Chapter 5

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I can't believe my baby sister is dead it's all my fault. I'm her older brother. I was supposed to defend her from people, fight off guys try to get at her, and most importantly not bully her. If only I believed her instead of accusing her of lying. I should've known because she would never lie about finding your mate. I believed my best friend instead of my own flesh and blood. I wish I can do something to bring her back. All I want is for my little sister to me alive so I can protect her like I was supposed to in the first place.

Amanda POV
I feel a munch of emotions right now. But I mostly feel ashamed, disgusted with myself, sad, and remorse for all the horrible things I did. I should've believed her. Defended her. Helped her. Not hook up with her mate. Support her. Mostly care for her. This is all my fault. I know it's sad to realize much you fucked up until you lose someone or something important or closest to you. I want her back, I want my baby sister back.

I feel like a major disappointment. I'm to blame for what happened to her. I didn't defend her when I should've. I didn't help her. All I did was hurt her. I should've acted like a real sister should have but instead I was like a bitch to her just like everyone else.i wish I can take back everything I ever did to her that was bad. I fucked it all up. I wish I can get her back. I want my sister back with us living and breathing. All of us being like a family should be. But instead we all fucked up the chance.

Luis POV
I'm the worst father ever. I hurt my little girl. My baby. I was supposed to protect her from boys, from bullies, from everything. Instead I caused her pain. I should've been like a real father. I ruined everything. This is all my fault.

Samantha POV
I'm the worst mother ever. I hurt her instead of protecting her. My baby. My little girl. It's all my fault. I should have helped her. I want to travel back in time to fix everything. Everything that happened to her was all my fault. This all happened because of me. I blame myself, Alexandra was conceived when I cheated on my mate, Luis, with some guy at a bar. Luis and I got in a fight that day so I went out and ended up at a bar. I got drunk and the next morning woke up in an empty hotel room. Later on I found out I was pregnant with Alexandra. I told Luis as soon as I found out but I never told the kids

Kinda emotional part of the story. Explains a 'reason' why they acted like that

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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