1 : welcome home

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I was walking through the woods. I don't know were I am. I came to a road that had a sign that said " Welcome to Mystic Falls " I murmured it under my breath and walked straight I had to eat something and since Silvia my teacher died a few days ago I haven't eaten. I had made it to the center of the town in a park like area when a cop car came up to me. " Hey , sweetie why are you out here by yourself don't you think your mommy and daddy are worried about you? " the lady asked " No ma'm I don't " I told her truthfully " Why's that " she asked as she got out of the car a crouched down in front of me " Because I don't have eny " I told her as I read her bage Liz Forbes sheriff " Well , I'm Sheriff Forbes , but you can call me Liz " she told me " Lizzy " I giggled " Or Lizzy " she laughed and i put my thumbin my mouth " What's your name baby " Lizzy asked " My name's Hayden " i told her taking out my thumb to talk to her " Well , Hayden would you like to come down to the station with me and maybe we can get you some food " Lizzy asked holding her hand out to me and I of course took it there's food involved. She sat me in the back seat , buckeled me up , and drove off. When we got to the police's office I was taken to a room and they took some of my blood which I didn't mind I didn't even flinch just sat and waited for food then Lizzy came in a few seconds later with fries and chicken fingers and she gave them to me along with milk. Yay , I love milk! " Sweetie , I think I found your family the Gilberts " she told me " Hey , that's my last name cool " I giggled not really listening until she said Gibert " Yes , I know " she told me chuckling " Come on your siblings here to pick you up " I was told as she held her hand I took it and walked out with her. I was a pretty brown haired girl and handsome browned haired boy standing outside looking at me. I was quiet as we approached them and hid behind Lizzy" Well , her she is after three years we no longer have Hayden Liya Gilbert as a missing person " Lizzy said as she let go of me and gidded me to my brother and sister how I know its them they loook like older versions of the pictures of the two kids in my locket sides that had a J or E on them. Then I saw the mark on the boy's arm " Hunter's mark. Hunter's mark " I yelled over and over agin as I latched onto the boy's arm that had the mark " What's she talking about " Lizzy asked " Nothing " I called as the girl and boy looked at me shocked then I pulled up my sleves and showed my mark to the boy and his eyes went wider than they already are " Hunter " I told and he nodded " Lets get home then we can talk about all this ok ; I'm Jermey by the way this is Elena we're your siblings " Jermey said " I'm Hayden " I said and Elena giggled at me " Yes , we know " she said then Jermey picked me up and took me to a car , placed me in the back seat , buckeled me up , got in buckeled up and we left to a house that seems familiar must be ours then we got out I had been put back into Jermey's arms " Sissy , I sleepy " I yawned and cuddled into Jermey making Elena smile " Here lets get this off you " she said as she tried to take my backpack but I didn't want her to " No" I told her looking away from her " Ok , then no touching the backpack " sissy said as she walked inside and took me put of Jermey's hands upstairs to tha bathroom " Ok , you can go to bed soon but before you do that you need a bath you kinda stink and have dirt covering you little girl " Elena said to me jokingly while pinching my cheeks " Wenaaaa stooooop " I whined like a baby and stopped and awwwed me before starting the water in the tub and helps me undress after she got me to take off my backpack. Once I was in the tub Elena started asking questions. " Where were you? You've been missing for three years we thought you were dead " she said as she scrubbed my back clean " I was with Silvia my teacher. She thaught me how ta hunt. " I told her " Then were is this Silvia now doesn't she know not to leave a child by thereself " she said and a bit angrily I might add " She died a few days ago , I've been by my self since " I told her sadly " Oh , I didn't know " she apologized to me " It otay you didn't mean it " I tell her as I gather bubbles to play with. When I was done in the bath she put me in one of Jermey's shirts and took me to a room that had pictures of Elena and other people but the one that stood out the most was a framed picture of Elen and a pretty African American girl kids Elena's check on the side of her bed. She seats me down on the bed and I asked " Lena who dat " " That's Bonnie she's a witch and my girlfriend " she tells me ' My sister's gay , bi? Whatever I don't care thats cool and she still her so who cares ' I think then say " She's pretty " " Yes , she is " Elena says with a dreamy expression in her face. " Enyway bed time " she tells me " What! Story please " I begg " Ok what do you want me to read to you " she asked and I got up and ran to my backpack and got out my blanket and story book and crawled back onto the bed and tried to cover myself up best I can with Elena's help " Read the little old lady that lived in a salt shaker " ( no I do not mean shoe they are to totally different stories ) I told her opening to the story. " Ok , once upon a time there was an old lady that lived in a salt shaker. The salt shaker was very small so small she could turn in her bed without falling and hitting the floor. One night she laid in bed and wished that she could live in a bigger house ... " Elena started telling the story and half way through I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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