Chapter 2

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Tony POV

The new kid is coming today. He seems really nice just looking at his picture I know that he must be protected at all cost.

Oi the elevator did it's dingie thing that must mean the kid is here

No Ones POV

Peter walked in to the lab and fell in love with it then the Tony Stark talked to him

"Hey kiddo welcome so wanna get started?"

Peter wanted to work but first


Tony eyes widen and smiled

"Right back at you"

A few hours went by and Tony said they should watch a movie. Peter loved that idea cause he had never seen one. They ended up watching the first Star Wars movie with Luke and to say Peter liked it wasn't just understating it, it was the understatement of the history.

Peters eyes where literally glowing and Tony was to but not by the movie but by his-The kids eyes and how happy he was

Soon Peter had to go home and Tony hugged him, Peter hugged back cause WhY nOt

———Time is skipped cause why not——

When Peter made it home he was greeted by a drunk May....the worst kind even his 'May stills love me attitude' couldn't argue with Spiderman on this

Peter just waited for May to finish hitting him and screaming at him soon May blacked out at Peter cleaned up everything and put May to bed

Peter started to think

'May is right I'm a nothi-NO STOP would a nothing get a hug for Tony no your not nothing we need to get out How? I don't know'

Peter fell asleep happier then before with new hope that May wasn't going to make go away....he hoped

——————With Tony—————————

Tony had taken up a liking to the kid and really liked him but something was up.

He was looking in on May and found that she had booked an appointment with a known hydra doctor a couple of years ago...he had to keep this kid close to him


Hope you guys like the 2nd chapter of the story :)

Pinky Out

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