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Percy POV:

It's been 5 years since i saw Poseidon and anyone from camp, Lady Hestia became a second mom to me. I've been visiting my mom and Paul from time to time, mom gave birth to a beautiful girl named Estella, and i'm so lucky mom didn't want to remove me from her life because i attract monsters, but i learnt to control my scent so no monsters or even satyr can track me. Since the day Hestia blessed me my appearance changed , my hair is still black but with red and blue streaks(KLANCE ANYBODY) , the same with my eyes around the pupil it's the colour of fire and when i'm angry my eyes burn and glow , also i have a tattoo but that's for later.  Besides my appearance Hades has been in contact with me also , which is surprising, he also knows about the letter that Poseidon wrote , so I explained everything to him with was I was comfortable with. He took it better than I thought, but thinking about it he is the best parent. so now Hestia Hades and I hang out together on different occasions.

Between training i've been saving demigods and mortal kids from abusive households, also annoying Artemis by killing monsters.  With the help of Hestia i started an orphanage of those i saved . I haven't heard anything from camp , and only that Zeus and Poseidon a looking for me, otherwise everything is  fine. I finally learnt to use a bow and arrow , it only took 4 years but it is worth it.

I was running through the woods, behind my target . Rafael Denali  he kidnaps children and sells their organs kinda gruesome and disgusting. Taking out my bow I aimed and fired, hitting him in the heart, he dead . Out of the corner of my eye I spotted silver, nearly groaning out loud, I mist traveled to Hestia's mansion.

"Lady Hestia " I called out in the house ,after taking of my mask.  walking into the kitchen but not before washing my hands , and yep there was Hestia cooking , I sighed "Hestia" she smiled at me

" Your back early " I groaned " I see something happened "

" Yes I nearly ran into Artemis " raising an eyebrow " care to explain what is happening , I am being kept in the dark " Hestia sighed

" There are more monsters appearing , and they started travelling in packs , they don't do that " she explained to me and the more I thought about it .

" Yeah , I noticed that I killed more monsters than usual" biting my lip " so does that mean there's going to be another war "

"We don't know yet , hopefully not " I nodded in agreement " anyway lunch is ready  " I jumped at the sound of a plate with food, put in front of me , thanking Hestia I began to eat.


I was up in my bed unable to sleep, I kept tossing and turning, giving up on sleep I stood up and got dressed . Going into the kitchen I grabbed a note to write that I'm going out . Mist traveling to New York, central park. Walking alone in the park I stopped not far from the trees, pressing my fingers to my lips a blew, sitting down on the grass I began waiting, in a minute I heard the beat of wings .

' Boss ' I groaned in frustration, but smiled nonetheless, standing up I pet blackjack giving him a donut

" How many times have I told you not to call me boss "

' many times..... boss '

" We don't have much time, anyway go to Lady Hestia's , I stay there " he eyed me critically , sighing " she has donuts " he nudged before flying away, if someone saw me they would what I am so done with as I had a 'really' expression.

Walking up the stairs to my mom's apartment, I knocked on the door waiting for someone to open, I heard a feint 'coming' .

" Who's there " mom asked through the door

" It's me mom " I heard the door unlocking .

When mom opened the door she immediately hugged me, I hugged back , she pulled me inside locking the door behind me

" I just made a batch of cookies " I nodded and walked into the kitchen, I halted when I saw someone else .

"Nico?" The said boy turned around with confusion .

" Who are you ?" I snorted at the de ja ve 

"Well I'm really glad that I'm this unrecognisable , no one will no who I am" he was even more confused , i smirked feeling bad for what I'm about to do next " I disappeared five years ago, on the day annabeth tried to ask me out and I rejected her " he was thinking then his eyes widened, I bit my lip, nervous at what he was about to do , he stood up and punched me in my stomach then hugged me.When he let go of me, i stared at him in surprise as he was taller than me but not much, and muscular but lean , i blushed shaking my head mentally " that was a surprise" i looked him in the eyes and he had un shead tears, my gaze softened holding my arms out for another hug i pulled him in held him, he started crying , i held him for ten minutes straight .

Nico let go of me looking like guilty puppy. Furrowing my brows together in confusion

" What are doing here " i asked softly , he opened and closed his mouth like a fish thinking for the right words.

" When you didn't come back from Poseidon palace after a week " he rubbed his neck " and the last time you went missing Sally, she uh was  worried about you so i decided to visit , to make sure you weren't here and she needed to know that you're missing " he explained 

" sooo, your not mad at me for disappearing " i said rubbing my neck 

" oh no i am i'm just glad your alive, though were have you been for five years " he checked me out " and you even haven't changed in age since i last saw you"

" Well i was given partial immortality like you, only you got yours like two years later" his eyes widened 

"how did you know "

" i keep tabs on everyone " i smirked " and i get help so i'm not alone" i looked at the time " anyway i have to go i'll IM you later when i'm and don't tell anyone you saw me " I stated seriously he nodded gulping , smiling i took a cookie waving at Nico leaving looking of to space "

" MOM, I'm leaving i love you and i'll visit later " I yelled , i heard a feint okay and left.


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