Going to Riverdale High

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That's the female cast >>>>


Samara's p.o.v

" Everyday is payday

Swipe my card, then i do the nae nae,

You're talking to a lady

I want a Kany-"

I wake up to my alarm blaring BO$$ at 7 a.m in the morning. I shut it but to my annoyance it starts to blare again. Even though I love that song it has really started to get on my nerves. I groan and push myself out of my comfy bed and head straight to the bathroom and prepare myself for a 'wonderful day' of school.

After taking a shower I dress up in a grey batman tank top with my favorite black leggings. I pull my hair into a messy bun and go downstairs to greet my lovely mother.

"Good morning " she greets me in her usual sweet tone.

"Morning Ma", I reply while preparing a bowl full of coco puffs for breakfast.

"Girls coming to pick you up" she asks taking a sip of her coffee. I nod in response.

My mom is referring to my friends who pick me up everyday for school. First is Rosalia Vega. I've known her since I was born. So yeah we're the diaper buddies. We're both Mexican but well she a pure Mexican whereareas I'm half American and half Mexican. Her's and my mom are best friends for as long as I've known. But her skin is white due to our city's climate. She has brown hair green eyes. It depends on whether she's wearing lenses actually. Perfect body with all muscles developed. She's really feisty, hot-tempered. But we all know that she has a soft, mushy side too.

Then there is Katherine Stevens. We call her Katy since she doesn't like her full name so much. Like Rosalia, Katy is also my diaper buddy. But unlike Rosalia, Katy is the calm and collected person of our group. She our mommy. She's British but since she has been born and brought up here in America she ain't got no Brit manners in her. She has a typical American accent. By looking at her you might day she looks British even after dyeing her hair. She's a blonde but a hell of a smart blonde. She's kinda skimmed and tall. And she can pull of any hair color , mostly blonde , brunette or black. Thought she has never gone for rainbow colors. Just monotones.

Honestly speaking I have no clue how we became friends and still are. We are all so different yet so alike. But I guess opposites attract !

Honk. Honk.

The sound pulls me out of the thought.That's Rosalia. I get up , grab my backpack and rush out the front door shouting goodbye to my mom.

"Hey" I greet them getting into a Black Camaro ZL1. It's Rosalia, her birthday gift from her bachelor uncle who lives in Spain who we know is pretty hot and not too old.

"Hey Bitch"


They say in unison. I roll my eyes but laugh at that eventually.

"Let's go" Rosalia says putting the car into gear. I sigh.

Its not that I hate school or studies. Its just that I don't like the people there. Our school has been divided into typical stereotypes. The faking blonde cheerbot. That's what I call them, since they pretty much fake barbies and do cheerleading. So yeah Cheerleading & Robots. BAM! There is a cheerbot. Anyways. Then there are the popular jocks , spoilt brats, bad boys, druggies and then us nerds. I wouldn't reallly count Rosalia . I'm a nerd classified under it by none other than Ashley the school's most popular girl and the head of cheerbots. But I'm nerd and proud.

Our drive to Riverdale High pretty much consisted of Rosalia blaring 'Anaconda by Nicki Minaj', Katy looking lost in the scenery outside the car.


Okay guys its my first and I'm nervous as hell.



adios crazy peeps

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