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rollingthundaaaa created at group chat
rollingthundaaaaa added 24 people

rollingthundaaaaa welcome to my world

rayofsunshine hello

Idontwannabehere this is gonna end up bad

sugamomma yes yes it is

bedheadu guys are downers

rollingthundaaaaa ^^^

rollingthundaaaaa it's gonna be fuuuun

literaljesus I have a bad feeling about this

dadchi same asahi same

owlmannn HEY HEY HEY

saltyfrenchfrydinosor is that the only word u know?

yamagucciflipflops NICE ONE TSUKKI

yamagucciflipflops sorry Bokuto

owlmannn dw im used to it

owlmannn I talk to Kaashi and Kuro

owlmannn they insult me a lot

bedhead not

idontwannabehere do not

prettiestsetter do I smell

prettiestsetter a ship???

heneedsummilk can u shut up please I'm trying to sleep

owlmannn it's 8:15 my duude

heneedsummilk and?

rollingthundaaaaa he tryna be Bakugou

gamercat ....

gamercat U LIKE BNHA????!!!!

rollingthundaaaaa DUH IT'S AMAZING!!

talltiger Kenma finally has someone to nerd with

gamercat I will stick Yaku on u

talltiger u wouldn't

gamercat try me bitch

Bedhead yes he will

bedhead in a heart beat

bedhead he will stick Yaku on u

bedhead or worse

bedhead Akaashi

idontwannabehere I'M NOT THAT BAD ASSHOLES

owlmannn ur not mean or anything

bedhead ur just scary

owlmannn like terrifying

gamercat  sorry Kaashi but u are

idontwannabehere gee thanks asshats

owlmannn love u tho bb

Idontwannabehere love u too

Idontwannabehere sometimes

bedhead now he's in emo mode

Idontwannabehere why? I said love u too

gamercat then u said sometimes

Saltyfrenchfrydinosour is he that fragile?

gamercat yes

bedhead yes

Idontwannabehere yes

talltiger yes

notyourmother yes

rayofsunshine yes

Literallyjesus Hinta why did u say yes?

rayofsunshine I didn't wanna feel left out

dadchi not everyone was saying yes though.....

Iwazooomiii saved and locked chat

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