Chapter 24

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"Your hand is shaking," Maxon said gently, squeezing my fingers.

"That's because I'm nervous," I murmured and snatched my hand from his.

He gently took it back and looked at me with concern. I stared at the large palace doors with fear, praying that they wouldn't open.

"Why are you nervous?" He asked once he realized I wasn't going to tell him on my own. "You've met them before."

"Because they're your family. And my family. Oh god, this is a mess. How am I supposed to talk to these people? Like my boyfriend's family? Or like my long lost parents who raised my boyfriend, which is actually really messed up, and who I completely ignored last time they visited."

"Those are valid concerns," He coaxed gently.

"Not to mention, I'm meeting your older sister. Who is also my older sister? I'm not even sure, and I'm just really scared."

"Is that all?"

I rolled my eyes, pushing his shoulder and almost causing him to fall off the bench we were sitting on. "I'm serious. I feel really bad about being so cold to them the last time, but I'm not even sure this time will be any different. I don't know how to act around them and I'm worried I'll just seize up and go all ice princess."

"I'm sure they're just as nervous to see you again. They're very excited to be invited back though."

"To see you, not their emotionless excuse for a biological daughter."

"You're being dramatic. Everything will be fine. And if it is isn't, then I'll just keep you guys away from each other for the time they are here," He joked.

"You might have to make good on that promise," I said seriously.

He shook his head and pulled me closer into his side, kissing my head. "I have full faith in you."

I smiled and snuggled into his side. "That faith is misplaced but thank you."

He tilted his head down to kiss me but I dodged and slid off the bench.

"Do I look okay?" I asked, smoothing my dress.

His forehead crinkled as he looked at where I just was and over to where I now stood in front of him. "Did you just kiss block me?"

"Yes, now focus. Is my dress okay? Does it say, I'm really sorry for being a heartless brat when we last met, but I really like your son and we are also blood, so maybe we can move past that?"

"Can the dress talk? I think you may have to say all that on your own."


"You look beautiful," He said. "And my family is going to love you. So kiss me."

I pursed my lips to keep from smiling and stepped in front of him. He pulled me between his legs and I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Am I acting crazy?" I asked.

"Completely, but I like crazy."

I kissed the tip of his nose. "Thank you."

I was about to step away but he grabbed my waist and pulled me back, bringing my lips to his in a real kiss. I grinned against his lips and relaxed for a moment, before pulling away and sitting back on the bench. We spoke for a few minutes about meaningless things before the guards at the door finally alerted us that Maxon's family was entering the palace gates.

He stood up, a new excitement entering his eyes as he pulled me to my feet.

"I didn't even ask you about how you're feeling about seeing your family," I said guiltily.

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