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"Now miss Thames, where's my Twizzler?" he asked, as he came crawling in my direction

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"Now miss Thames, where's my Twizzler?" he asked, as he came crawling in my direction.

"I'm afraid there's no more of your candy, Mr. Jackson," I told him, rubbing my belly with a devilish smirk. "Sorry," I shrugged, and Michael narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're lucky you're cute and that we're perched in a tree right now, because I would have tickled the hell out of you," he told me, and I giggled, approaching him slowly.

"Can I get a hug then?" I asked, batting my eyelashes in an exaggerated manner. "Hayden and Grams are here to get me."

"Already? Ugh, can't you stay like... Forever?" he asked, as he wrapped his arms around me while I snuggled close to him.

"Babe, we're both leaving for Africa tomorrow in the morning," I chuckled, as I circled my arms around his waist as he put a small kiss on my head. "I'll be gone only for a few hours."

"I know, I'm just being clingy," he snorted, and exhaled loudly. "Alice needs you too, I would be selfish if I kept you all for myself, no matter how much I want to."

"I like the idea, though," I chuckled, as I looked up to him. I put my right hand on his his cheek, and rubbed it gently, looking deep into his eyes. "And I love it when you're being clingy," I added with a genuine smile.

"And I love you," he answered ever so smoothly, before he leaned in to kiss me gently as his big hand delicately cupped my cheek.

"Smooth," I giggled in between kisses. "I love you too, Maestro."

"We see you up there, you know?" Hayden's voice was heard from beneath, and instantly Michael's face turned red, which I found incredibly cute.

"Guess that's our cue to leave," I told him regretfully, as I pulled away from my boyfriend's warm body.

We both climbed down, and were welcomed by my brother and my grandmother. I hugged them both with force, as I didn't see them for quite a long time.

Michael greeted them both too, and quickly Grams started asking him questions about our trip to Africa. I knew she was scared because I never left the country, and since my health wasn't the best these days, she worried a lot about me. However, I knew that, deep down, she trusted Michael with me. She knew he would do anything for me to stay safe.

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