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Grace woke up to the sound of babbling. She sat up and smiled as she looked to lily as she sat babbling. She picked her up and smiled as she sat back in the bed and frowned to herself as she realised that Freddie wasn't there "where has your daddy gone baby girl?" Grace said as she walked into the kitchen and saw Freddie. She placed lily in her high chair and smiled as she walked over to Freddie and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist "are we okay" she asked as he looked to her and smiled "we are fine, I feel as if your being off with me and that there is some tension with us" grace said as he looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her "I love you Gracie, more than anything" he said

She looked to him and smiled "I have to go to the garage but later I'll make it up to you" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her. Grace watched as he walked out as Lia walked in and smiled "well aren't you both loves new dream, is everything okay with you both" Lia asked as grace looked to her and smiled "I don't know, I mean he's been off with me lately and I hope it isn't all to do with Lindsay and that but I also know what he is like and that he may be involved in something dodgy, I know what he is like" grace said as Lia looked to her and smiled "don't worry, Freddie is smart and he knows what he's doing. It's all going to be okay, trust me on that" Lia said as grace looked to her and smiled


Lia walked into the house and frowned as she saw grace "you need to get to the hospital" Lia said as grace frowned "why?" "It's Freddie, Trevor went after him and the twins. He nearly drowned, I spoke to Ziggy and he said he was in emergency surgery" Lia Said as grace looked to her in shock and nodded "I'll look after lily, just go" Lia said. Grace got to the hospital and saw joe and Ziggy waiting around "he's not awake yet" joe said "I don't care" grace said as she walked into the room. She looked to Freddie and smiled as she took a hold of his hand "your going to be okay, I promise" Grace said


Lindsey walked into Freddie's hospital room as he woke up. He looked to her and frowned "what are you doing" he asked as she grabbed a syringe and walked towards him "Lia tried to kill me and you covered up, you have done so much and hurt so many people and you need to pay" she said "Lindsay" Freddie said as she stuck the syringe into him and watched as the life drained from his dies and smirked to herself knowing it would break grace when she learned he was dead

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