Chapter 46

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Sage entered the safe house and waited for Tony to come in. He was a couple minutes behind since he grabbed a taxi first and made sure no one was following after him. The cost of being seen together was too great a risk he wasn't willing to take. 

Once he walked inside, all of his men were dressed in their tactical gear and ready for battle. He looked around to see them attaching their guns on their person and loaded up the rest. Sage walked into the living room where the map of Ortiz's casino was laid out. 

The layout was simple with nine exits and each floor directed with a set of stairs. No one would go and out without his team knowing about it. Security was on every perimeter and the roof being clear. Sage knew Ortiz would be locked up in his office. He made it his job to know where Ortiz was each day, which was either at his home or casino. 

The front door of the safe house opened and closed as heavy footsteps headed towards him. 

Sage grabbed his gun and loaded it before jamming it in his holster. "Any news on his whereabouts?"

"Haven't heard from Spider yet."

Tony walked to the leather chair in the corner and sat down while loading up his own gun. Sage grabbed his 9mm Sig Sauer handgun and jammed the magazine inside with too much force. 

"We need to find this asshole, now. He threatened my family."

Sage didn't want this war, not really. He would avoid it, if possible, but the simple fact was Ortiz lost his fucking marbles and wanted to come after him because of the dumb shit his wife did. Before, Sage would always think women were distractions and caused nothing but trouble. 

When he first met Sky, he knew that he was in big fucking trouble. Sage believed she would cause problems and only rile him up just to make him lose focus on what he worked hard for. But now, all Sky did was keep him at peace. She made him feel safe and determined to fight for the people he loved. All he wanted was a life where he didn't have to fight or kill and Sky gave him that plus more.

The difference between Sky and Victoria was Sky stayed by Sage's side and did everything she could to keep him headstrong and focused. She cared and love him and took no shit from anyone who dared stepped in their path. 

Victoria was a spiteful woman who only sought out thrill and risk. She didn't run away from danger, she thrived in it. There was probably a point in Ortiz's and her life where they actually cared for one another, Ortiz more than her, but money, adrenaline, and drugs corrupted both of them.

Ortiz couldn't see past the so-called 'betrayal' Sage committed to him and wanted blood. He was too blinded to see reason. For that, Sage would have to show him what happens when you fucked with the wrong person. 

"We will and calm down before you fuck up your gun. He should be calling soon."

Sage looked down at his handgun to see the magazine was improperly placed backwards. He quickly fixed it just as his phone rang. 

He picked it up and answered by the second ring.


"Ortiz agreed to the meet at midnight." Spider said.

"Good. We'll meet you there."

Sage hung up and gathered everyone in the living room. He looked around the room, his chest filled with pride to see the men who fought for him during the attack still standing with him. They could've left him like his suppliers and clients or turned him over to the police. Instead, twenty of his men stood tall, ready to take on any battle. Their fierce loyalty could've brought Sage to tears if he wasn't so determined to get this over with. 

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