Narcissist Confronted

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You bite at the hand that lifts you
And expect me not to let go;
When I do, you're the injured party
At least, that's what you try to show.

You and I know better than that,
We know how you play this game.
You bite, fall and cry 'til I come back
Tell me it will never happen again.

I believe it and see a change
I regret letting it get so far
We smile and we laugh, "it's better now"
Until you show who you really are.

I'm wise to the way that you are now.
I know exactly just what to do
No more bites, no tears, and no regret
This is the last time I'm dropping you.

Be the victim again if it pleases,
Tell them all you did nothing wrong
"You know how she is, she does this"
Just know I'm walking away strong.

You can't fight a fire with fire
And I will not let you put me out
I don't feel the need to tell you why
I don't need to scream and shout.

As calm as I can, I walk away
That's where the story from me will end
I'll never tell them what you really are
I'll never cost you a friend.

Just remember this when you're laying
Inside of your self pity gulf
Remember that story all heard as a child
You're the child and you cried wolf.

Next time you hurt someone like this
Less people will believe your lies.
I hope this hurts so much you change
No more of your snake like eyes.

A Novice In Vices حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن