Chapter 14: Exchange

Start from the beginning

Y/n: Thanks for the info, I will head to the west right away.

Milanor: Be careful General Y/n. The Jaeger's have the same power as ours and have each imperial arms to wield as well.

Y/n: I will.

I left the Imperial army base with haste and went to the west where Tatsumi was, for some reason, why do they want to slaughter a low-class danger beasts? Only one way to find out.

Once I've reached the rocky mountains, I already saw them walking together. Okay, it seems that only one Jaeger was with him. My eyes landed on a bunch of mid-class Jackaleo's pack from here. I teleported form the nest and disturbed their silence.

You didn't fully mastered that skill but you want to use it..on a bunch of monsters? Are you critically insane Y/n?

No, but it will give us some time to send the boy away from them.

*Sigh* Fine, have it your way but don't you fucking complain about the consequence later!

A red reversed pentacle glows on my right palm and starts to touched every monster with haste. If I touched someone with my cursed mark's on, they will obey my command as long as the mark is still on my target but..I can only do this for about 2-6 people. Controlling 8 or more would be a huge problem.

Looks like I am going to break my own record body as well.

The cursed mark spreads within their body and become invisible. That means I completely controlled them. When Tatsumi and the blue haired boy killed all the tree beasts, I pointed my finger to them and made a command,

Y/n: Attack them.

As soon as I throw my command, they howled and rushed into Tatsumi's location and gave them a one hell of a fight. I sneaked in into the battle field and waited for the right time to strike. When both of them were only paying their attention to take down those beasts, I used my shadow and pull Tatsumi out of the battle field and run away with him. While running, I sense that those Jackaleo's were all dead. Damn, that was quick!

Tatsumi: Thanks for saving me Y/n. I owe you one.

Y/n: Save that gratitude la-..

I stopped and immediately covered my mouth with my left hand as i coughed harshly. I could taste the metallic blood coming out from my mouth and feel slightly lightheaded. Shit, this is bad..

Told ya, now bear the consequence..

Tatsumi: Hey, you ok Y/n?

I didn't respond, then I saw his eyes widened as I failed to hide the blood from my left hand.

Y/n: Y-yeah.

Tatsumi: Heck like I'm going to believe that shit, come on, I'll carry you back to the base.

I sense an unknown shadow is going on our direction in such speed, did he already chased us? I sighed, knowing that I am completely useless right now. I touched Tatsumi's back with my right hand and put a cursed mark. He suddenly slaps my hand as he felt it.

Tatsumi: W..wait Y/n, what are you doing?!

Y/n: Run..T-Tatsumi and don't comeback..

Tatsumi: No Y/n! Come on, I can still carry you back to the base!

He is not going to listen, isn't he?

Yup, you bet.

I put my hand away from my mouth and his frightened look become much worse as he saw my blood slowly flowing out from my mouth. I only gave him a soft sternly look before activating my mark on his back.

Y/n: Gehorchen.

The mark glows and disappeared as his body move on its on and run away from me. I can hear him frustratedly yelling my name, sorry but if you won't survive, my mission would surely be a failure. Now, for my last cue, that Grand Chariot. I reserve my remaining power and wait until he comes around in full armor.

???: Heh, finally. I got you now!

Y/n: Get lost kid.

???: Why wearing off Incursio? You can't beat me without your prototype armor!

He mistook me as Tatsumi. Is he a near sighted or something? Didn't he noticed that I'm a girl? Ugh, What a Muddleheaded kid. I tried to keep my stance still but the side effects is bombarding my chest like crazy. But at least, I knew that I can control 50 or more depending on my range and quantity limit.

I saw The Grand Chariot lounges and going for an attack, I quickly deflected it with my bare hands but he's already making his secondary assault and punched me on my face. I endure the pain and grab his fist and flipped him through the air before smashing his body to the ground.

He immediately regained his stance and swipe my feet, making me lost my balance and met the hard cold ground. Before he could deliver his last punch, he saw my face under the hood and suddenly stop, I took this opportunity to get up and kicked his side then rolled over to take distance.

I prepared my right hand to execute one last mark but the searing pain in my chest made me stop and spew more blood. Great, just great. Before we could continue our battle, a group of imperial soldiers appears and pointed their guns at me.

Then within the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar silhouette hiding on a huge rock, he's going to meddle in but his obviously hesitating. I tilted my head and mouthed 'Run' to him. Gladly, he's obedient unlike the others.

At this rate, I can't use my shadow to manipulate them all plus..the pain got much worse. So there's only one way to settle this, I'm sure Akame and the others find Tatsumi by now. The last thing I have to do is to build a secondary plan and let this bastards arrests me.

The Renegade General [Akamegakill x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now