"STUPID CRIPPLE!" He laughs with an outstretched hand that held a bright light in his palm. "I'M GONNA BLOW YOUR FACE OFF!"

With deadly eyes, John easily diverted his pathetic attack as the laser hits and cracks the wall behind him. "What the fu—"



The sound of John's elbow breaking the male's nose and jaw resonated in Y/n's ears, making her want to vomit. With slight tears, the helpless attacker could only watch in paralyzing fear as he doesn't see a helpless cripple...

But a monster.

"I WASN'T DONE TALKING YET!" John yells as he lifts his arm for another punch.

The male shuts his eyes as he cowers underneath the black-haired male's wrath, slight streaks of tears falling out in the process.

"John..!" Y/n gathers enough courage and jumps behind him, hugging his waist tightly. Her eyes were closed tightly and her jaw was clenched in fear. She knew that the male who John was attacking was in the wrong... but...

She opens her eyes slightly to see him on the floor, shaking and trembling. Absolutely helpless. Absolutely pitiful. He doesn't deserve to get beaten to this extent... No one does...

"C-Calm down... Please," she whispered.



He lets go of the collar before getting out of her grasps and running away, not even bothering to finish to the job. The male peeks with one eye open when he senses that John has left. With a taunting shout, he calls out, "Yeah, you better run away, idiot—!"


He stops as he sees Y/n look at him with pitied eyes. "You should probably go to the nurse," she says. Glancing at the reporter who was standing at the edge of the hallway, she begins to run after her friend, leaving Krolic injured and confused.


Isen sits in the middle of the staircase, still confused and shaken from the recent events. He narrows his eyes as he tries to peace in together what he had gotten from other students and peers, including the staff as well.

What the hell...? All of the information I have gathered so far...

'John? He plays dirty! Bluffed me out and threw me out a window...' Then he got Seraphina to kick my ass. He doesn't even fight his own battles.'

'Uuuh... Man, we fought his a looong time ago. I can't really remember...' 'He definitely ended up running away though. Too scared to face us.'


"A-Ah, sorry to bother you!"

Out of habit, Isen lifts his hand and begins to nibble on his finger. Nothing out of the ordinary... He acts exactly how I'd expect a cripple to...

He frustratingly grabs his hair. AUGH! Stupid Arlo! You're just salty because Seraphina won't talk to you and Y/n is hanging out with him! Making me look for something that doesn't even exist!' If I don't report to him soon, he'll have my hea-!


... Bluffing his way out?

Not fighting his own battles?

Running away scared?

That's not what I saw. He had full confidence in what he was doing, so much so that Y/n had to stop him.

Staying NeutralWhere stories live. Discover now