Authors Note - Season 3 Opinions

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Hey guys! So, I finished season 3 a couple of days ago but I've been really busy at work and with my kids' so I haven't been able to share my thoughts on it like I've wanted to. Here it is now though! It will be long, as usual lol.

So, first of all.. Ani. I do not like her at all. She's a liar and a manipulator. She's able to lie waaaay too easily for my taste. Just about every word out of her mouth was a lie. She also used her extensive lying skills to pin Bryce's murder on someone she knew didn't do it. She was also very nosey and tried way too hard to act like she knew everything and had always been around. I didn't like how she turned on Clay so quickly either. She covered for Jessica and Alex, she was willing to cover for Jessica and Justin whenever she thought it was them, but as soon as it might be Clay or even Tony; she's "terrified". She toyed with Clay's emotions a lot too from what we saw in flashbacks and present time. It also absolutely repulsed me that she was able to be attracted to Bryce at all and have sex with him, more than once at that, knowing what he was and knowing that he'd done it to one of her "close friends". She's worse than Chloe in that aspect because at least Chloe was already with him and had already grown to love him before anything came out. Ani became sexually attracted to him AFTER finding out he was a rapist. That's just completely sick. If there's a fourth season, I hope she gets outed for what she is and that we don't have to deal with her for much longer because she really ruined this season for me.

Deputy Standall. I like him and I understand that as a parent you'll do anything to protect your children, but I didn't like that he covered what Alex did. He allowed Bryce's murder to be pinned on an innocent person (at least innocent with Bryce's murder) to cover for his son who he knew did it.

That brings me on to Alex now. He has major issues and needs help. Someone needs to come out and admit that it was him who killed Bryce. If everyone else is supposed to be punished for their crimes on this show, why isn't Alex? Just because he's a like-able character we're supposed to act like him constantly roid raging and murdering someone is okay? I didn't like that. I hope in the next season, he has to own up to what he did just like everyone else is expected to do.

Clay and Justin. I loved them this season, other than them pitching in to cover for Alex. I loved their brotherly love and how they would do anything for one another and to protect each other. I also loved the little family unit the whole "Jensen-Foley" family had going on this season. It was super cute and I hope we get to see more of that if there's another season.

Tyler. I felt really bad for him this season but watching him develop strength and become a survivor was great to watch. I felt kind of bad for him whenever they were watching him so much and quite literally babysitting him but I did understand at the same time. I'm glad he got the justice he deserved and I hope we're able to watch him grow more in seasons to come.

Jessica. She was really bad ass but at the same time, it was kind of over done. Between season two to season three, all of a sudden she turned into this super tough martyr for sexual assault victims? It was good but like I said, it was a little over done. I didn't like how she covered for Alex either. I hope she comes to her senses and does the right thing and reports Alex. I hope she realizes that's the right thing to do. I also hope that her and Justin stay together AND I hope that she kicks Ani to the curb. She doesn't need a friend like that in her life. Who would want to be friends with someone that was fucking your rapist after finding out what he did? She showed a lot of character growth though whenever she recognized that it was wrong to protest Bryce's funeral so I liked her a lot in that moment.

Casey (?). I think that's the girls name that was in Jessica's HO group with the short hair. I couldn't stand her at all. The way she acted screamed that SHE'S the one who's still stuck in the victim mentality. If she was really as strong as she acted like, she would've recognized herself that it was disgusting to protest someone's funeral.. rapist or not. She was also so ugly to Tyler until she realized that he was also a sexual assault victim. So you're not nice to someone until you find out that they've been through it too? I hated her as much as I hated Ani.

Zach. He just really got on my nerves this season and I wasn't really feeling his character anymore.

Bryce. I felt bad for him in a way. I've been raped myself whenever I was younger so I can relate to the sexual assault victims feelings and stories but he still didn't deserve to die. Did they deserve justice? Yes. Did he deserve more consequences than he received? Yes. Did he deserve to be murdered whenever he was trying to change? No. You could tell that he really had realized who he is and was trying to change, become a good person, and make up for the horrible things that he'd done. Who knows? Maybe he could have changed and become a reformed man and maybe helped reform other rapists. What he did for Tyler was very kind and he didn't have to do that. Making that tape for Jessica and Mrs. Baker was a huge step too. I really did find myself feeling bad for him and rooting for him to change this season. I never thought I'd say this, but I hope he gets justice for his murder by the REAL murdered being caught. I hope if there's another season, that's what we get to see.

And finally...

Montgomery. I absolutely hated the ending they gave him. He could've changed. He'd finally met someone good, he was facing consequences for his actions, he was away from his dad.. he could've changed. You could tell towards the end that maybe he WAS starting to come around. He was an abused kid who was still in the closet and didn't know how to cope with either of those things. We also found out that his dad is an alcoholic and apparently he has a mom that does nothing about any of it, I guess. I wanted him to get consequences for his actions but I still felt terrible for him and his home life.. as well as still being in the closet because he was terrified of coming out. Winston might've been able to help him a lot and I think he could have. I really hope next season revolves around Winston proving Monty's innocence and getting justice for him not only being murdered in jail but also for his name being incorrectly slandered and for him being blamed for the murder of his best friend. He loved Bryce.. was maybe even in love with him. It's horrible that he was blamed for his murder whenever he was totally innocent of that and no longer alive to defend himself. I had high hopes for his character this season, not that they were gonna kill him off and do him the way that they did. It actually really pissed me off that they did that and I hope they fix it next season whenever they see the backlash of fans, even people who hated him last season, mad about what they did to him.

So those are my thoughts! Let me know what y'all think too! I will be continuing my Montgomery stories as they are and might even write a new one or two for us Monty lovers as well lol. If I write new ones, I'll take ideas but honestly, I will still write them with him being straight just because that's how I pictured him and I really don't know how to write anything other than that. The idea of a story with him being gay is very interesting to me so maybe someone will write one that I could read! Thanks so much guys for all the constant support and I'll be updating everything as soon as I can 😘

A Beneficial Friendship {Montgomery De La Cruz}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora