"No, I don't."

"Great come  back to us and meet me at the parking  lot tonight at 6:30 pm." He said while turning his chair around.

I thought that was it for our conversation so I stood up and looked at him one more time. He didn't even bat an eye so I left to not waste anymore of his time. I passed by Lucia just for her to smile at me and wave bye.

While heading outside I felt disappointed just because I could actually get a shot at this magazine place. But the thought of working for the competitor of the job I used to work for sorta sucked. Not that i cared anyways. Or did i?.

As i walked outside i realize Garrett's brother was sitting in a bench which i thought it was weird.

What could he be doing?. I stare at him in confusion since he was facing the other direction, but like a magnet, he turned around with a smirk on his face which made me melt on the inside.

"Hey." He said as he was standing up. I didn't know what the fuck to say so i stare at him paralyze but hopefully, he didn't notice.

"What are you doing here?."

"I was hoping to catch you and see if you wanted to grab a bite." He said with a smirk on his face and as he said that it made my heart skip a beat for some weird reason.

"A bite?." I said stupidly. He laughed and stretched a hand to me like what the fuck was going on and why was he waiting for me?. Shouldn't he be with his brother's fiance?.

"Yeah, you know like food? you kinda rushed out of the party too fast for me to offer you something." He laughed and Honestly i didn't find it funny since everything was so confusing at this time for me, we'll his awkward relationship with her.

"Uhm i can't."

"Why not?. Did you eat already?." He was asking too many whys like mind your own business.

I started walking and he followed me for some reason and probably that reason was that i still didn't answer him.

"Why dont you go eat with your brother Fiance," I said angrily by accident and with a sassy tone.


"Oh, you jealous now?." He smiled while stepping in front of me. I avoided his eye contact and looked the other way.

"Jealous of what? You being gay or you and your brother sharing a  women." Point for me.

"Maybe both" He smirked.

"Yeah, i dont think so buddy," I said while walking  to the bus stop. As soon as i got there i sat down and he sat down next to me.

"Is it because i left you hanging to go talk to my brother fiance?."

"I honestly thought she was your fiance," I said sarcastically. He nodest and stood in front of me and God did he smell gold.

"Look i know it might seem weird, but it is complicated."

"Is not my problem," I said while standing up and walking away but he continued to chase me like dude i was about to call 911 already.

"What do you want?." I said angrily. I didn't know why i was so angry.

"I want to apologize for leave you like that i know it was wrong."

"Is not my problem," I repeated while rolling my eyes.

"Then why you won't get a bite with me?." He rushed to say.

This guy was persistence just like how his brother kissed me and fuck i didn't want it, not if it had Camila's hands everywhere.

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