Luigi x Yoshiette

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Luigi: go to bed Yoshi.

Yoshi: yes Mama luigi.

A crown fell on Yoshi's head out of nowhere turning him into Yoshiette.

Luigi: wtf.

Yoshiette: I love luigi do you want to have some fun with me.

She said as she grabbed him with her tounge

Compette: let me join


outside the house Mario and AJ where laughing.

Mario: was that the same crown you used on compette.

AJ: yes I made a duplicate of it.

They heard the door get knocked down. Mario and AJ looked to see the FBI going into the house.

AJ: looks like a repeat of history.

Mario: my bro is definitely unlucky even when it's agenst his will he is still the one blamed.

AJ: yeah. So want to play some video games.

Mario: hell yeah.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now