Luigi x Lydia

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Luigi was about to be killed by the ghost wife he captured in his first adventure.

Luigi: wait stop.

Lydia: why should I you put me in a painting along with my husband and children.

He panic

Luigi: because you are to beautiful to be a killer.

He had a smile that just said plus believe this shit. A few hours later Nevil walked in only to see his wife doing the deed with luigi.

Nevil: but honey why.

Lydia: he gave me a nice compliment and unlike you he still has his genitals.

Nevil: not on my watch.

He ripped his clothes and became buff and started to chase luigi.

Nevil: when I get my ghostly hands on you. You will not be able to have sex for the rest of your life.

Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Aw Shit here we go again addition.Where stories live. Discover now