Will you?

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AHH TYSM FOR 1.15K READS o(〃^▽^〃)o Hope you enjoy this chapter~

I have also started a Kirishima x Depressed!Reader if you wanna go check that out -3-

(I've also realized that their in dorms on the first day and so, but they actually get in dorms later (in the anime) , but I'm not fixing everything so please go with it qwq)

~Tenya iida~

I was standing there shocked still in my blue pajamas. What could I say when she asks me? Just a yes? Or something more?

"Oh, it's getting late, I should go back to my dorm.."

I heard a girls voice, blocking me from continuing my thoughts. When I heard her I ran back to my dorm and shut the door catching my breath still flustered. Ashamed, that I listened to her conversation without her information.

I could slightly hear their voices and goodbyes then there was silence. I decided to try to sleep but my thoughts kept me up until I passed out with my glasses on.

~Morning, Tenya Iida~

Ring ring ring


I grumbled a bit and turning over my phone, I forgot to turn my alarm off for today since it was a Saturday. I swipe right turning it off and realize that my glasses fell off my face and to the ground.

I dropped my head to my pillow, kinda upset that I was so tired because I let my thoughts keep me up so late. I fell asleep again and woke up not soon after. My phone rang again, I pick it up, it was Y/n. I sat up clearing my throat and answer. "Hello, Y/n" I tried acting like ive been awake for a while.

"Hey Tenya! I just wanted someone to talk to, and I didn't really wanna get up" She/he laughed a bit. Oh, how her/his laugh cheered me up so much nowing they were happy. "Oh, well I am glad you chose me. Is there anything you might wanna talk about?" I moved a bit getting comfortable putting on my glasses.

"Maybe some advice?.." She/he quite sounded nervous. I cleared my throat again "What kind? What for?". She sighed and thought "Like, you know that dance that's coming up? How would I ask someone?". "Well, I'm not the best with this kind if stuff, what about just asking them face to face? Who are you planning to ask?" I already knew who she/he was going to ask, but I just wanted to make sure.

There was silence.
Y/n broke the silence "W-well.. He's really tall, glasses, blue hair and eyes...really adorable, in our class". I blushed rapidly, I was the only one in our class with those features. Well, there taller students in our class, but I mean with all of those features together.

"W-well I wish you luck. Y/n-" I paused. "I wish you luck in asking him" I tried not to stutter much. "Thank you Iida..buuut...." She/he paused and finished not to later. "Did you stutter at the begining of your sentence?" They had a cheery tone,  and laughed a bit.

I didnt know what to say, I didnt want to lie to my classmate, my friend, but I didn't want to admit it either. I sigh "Yes...I did". "Pffft- So honest~" They said. I awkwardly laughed. "Well, is there anything else you might want to talk about?"

"No, that's all, thank you, Iida" They straightened up its voice. "You're very welcome, anytime" I reply and we both say our goodbyes over the phone. The call kinda woke me up a bit so I decided to get dressed and ready for the day.

I grabbed a book and started to read, treating myself from the training. I finished the book pretty fast actually. I put it away and hear a knock. I opened the door "hello" I say as I look down. "Hello!" Y/n said. "Oh, it's you, finally decided to get up?" I smile teasing them.

I noticed them blushing slightly. "Ahah, yeah..But I actually wanted to ask you something" They looked straight into my eyes and I kinda froze Their asking me now? Even when it's not even until 2 weeks.. Well, I guess thats a good idea

"Go ahead" I waited for them to talk.
"W-well... I wanted to see if...you could go to the dance with me?"

"Uh- uhm..hhh"

"Of course I will!" I blushed, I knew it was gonna happen but I was still really flustered, I didn't want to make eye contact so I looked straight. I felt them wrap there arms around my waist, I looked down at them blushing more and I hug back, resting my hand on it's back and one on their head rubbing it.

I was happy, I felt so loved.

So adorable...

We stayed like this for a while. "Maybe we should.. Lay down" I suggested. She nodded, I let them in and closing the door behind them. I sat down resting my back against the wall over a pillow so my back wouldn't hurt. I also grabbed a book from the desk next to my bed.

Y/n pounced on me, cuddling my chest. I placed my hand on their back and held the book with one. I began reading. They eventually fell asleep and we stayed like this for a while.

I was half way done with my book until they woke up yawning. "Good Afternoon Y/n, did you sleep well?"
I looked down at them and they nodded "yeah..".  "I'm glad that I'm such a good Teddy bear to you" I smile with a slight laugh and Y/n blushed. "Yeah...you are, but my teddy only" They smiled up at me which made me warm and fuzzy inside "uh-" I closed my book and set it down next to me on the bed.

"So are you just gonna stay there?" I jokingly say. "Maybe, maybe not" They got comfortable again, shifting but still hugging me. I sigh and smile "Fine, I guess you can"

Eventually I fell asleep.


I woke up and saw that Iida was asleep. I pulled my phone out my from pocket and went through my social media's and stuff, still hugging iida with one arm and my face pressed up against his body. I was so happy to be so close to him.

Word count:1063
(1068 total)

My Burning, Pounding Heart [Tenya iida x Reader] !Complete!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα