Childhood Memories

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"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart."
Helen Keller

Me and Dominic Harrison had been best friends practically since we were 2 years old. Our family were so involved with each other. However, when me and Dom turned eighteen he moved away. His parents dragged him off to America, Which he didn't enjoy. The expression on his face was priceless. Anyways, I'm 21 years old now and so is Dom, We haven't seen each other for 3 years until now.

I stood just outside the airport waiting for a hyper young man to burst out the doors. Dominic was diagnosed with ADHD and pretty much lived with it his whole life. I don't mind it, it makes him like a little energetic puppy. Which is funny because he's taller and bigger than me.

I glanced over at my parents "Did we get the right time?" I asked with curiosity, no answer. Just as I was about to repeat myself a familiar face bounded out the door. He was taller than I remembered and just wow......I got lost in imagination until "HELLO!" Dom exclaimed, he still had his cute accent.

A smile appeared on my face "Bambi" I replied,Bambi [Shortened to B/ Bamb] was the nickname I made up for Dom when we were kids. Dom was so energetic but could be shy which reminded me of Bambi. It also was my favourite Disney character even though I hated the movie.

As our eyes locked I pulled him into embrace. He was warm and just reminded me of home, my childhood. "I missed Ya Essie" Dom said through muffled words, Essie was Dom's nickname for me. He never used to be able to say my name as a kid, my names Jessie well Jessica but I preferred Jessie. Dom always said Essie so that's just his name for me.

We got into the 7 seater car that my parents had rented out. My dad, Dom's dad were in the front, my mum and Dom's mum in the middle. Then me and Dom were left to the back seats. I glanced over to see Dom with his face pressed against the cold glass "It's fucking beautiful Essie" I laughed, the way he said the f word was amazing. "Dom you really missed out" I stated as Dom turned his head to look at me.
"The only thing I missed out on was being with you. I missed ya so much" he replied, my smile reappeared. When it came to feelings Dom never hid them, he was usually open about it especially with me. "I missed you to B. So much"

Authors Note
First part done. I'm so excited to start this but I just wanted to say that I know Dom has two sisters but I legit don't know their age. Also Dom's parents and family are gonna be mentioned but left out a lot due to no information on them. Sooooooo yeah hope you enjoy 🖤

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