¤Chapter 4¤

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"Welp I gotta go" said Ginny putting her plate into his sink.

"Yea, I know, have fun planning my party with my mum" he said hapily.

"I didn't even want to do anything" she whinned and grabbed her bag.

"Oh, I know" he laughed.

"Bye I guess" she said walking toward the door.

"Bye, have fun" he said, waving, fork still in his hand.

Harry watched her leave he digged his fork into his eggs, dang Ginny was a wonderful and amazing creature that made him smile every day.

But yet he still knew that she only thought of him as a brother.

Harry sighed, suddenly he didn't feel hungry anymore.

He threw the rest of hig eggs in the trash and put his plate into fork in the sink, next to Ginny's.

Harry walked over to the living room and sat, the world seemed empty all the sudden.

Than the door opened behind him.

"I forgot my keys" Ginny half laughed as she poked her head through the door.

"There probably in the kitchen" he said putting on his best smile for her.

"Thanks" she said gleefully walking into the kitchen.

Harry turned his head back away and frowned, sometimes it was just hard to keep a smile going.

"Well I'll be on my way" she said from behind him.

"Oh okay" said Harry putting on his fake smile again.

Ginny walked out the door again and Harry let the smile run off his face.

'Why is it sad now?' He thought to himself.

He didn't like the fact about having a crush on Ginny in general, because it was too awkward and Harry wasn't really an open person for feelings.

He knew that a relationship between him and Ginny wouldn't be right, It would never be. It would ruin there friendship. But Ginny was so irasitable, he wanted her so bad, it hurt.

Harry walked into his bathroom and splashed some water in his face, he had to seem happy.

But how?

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Harry, happy birthday to you" courshed the little group.

"Blow out the candles, Harry" Ginny said to him as he sat in the chair, a cake in front of his face.

Harry blew out the tiny little fires and smiled at his family and friends.


Marlene slapped him and wishperd something into his ear along the lines of  "leave the poor kid alone".

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Said Sirius youngest son, Junior, who was only 9.

"Thank you" Harry said politely looking at the small child.

Harry looked around and his family and close friends, no they weren't just friends, they were family.

Molly and Lily cut the cake, for they always did every birthday.

Harry grabbed a slice and walked over to Ginny who was leaning against the tree with a plate in her hand.

"Happy Birthday" she said happily to him, "and sorry again about earleir"

"Don't be sorry Gin" he said nudging her on the arm, "I should've saw it coming"

"Oh whatever" Ginny said to her best friend.

Harry let a little laugh escape from his mouth as he put a small piece of cake into his mouth.

"So did you here the rumor?" Ginny asked looking at him as she put another small piece of cake into here mouth.

"No, what is it?" Harry asked as he looked back at her, one eyebrow raised.

"Rumor is that Micheal and Cho Chang hooked up and now Cho's pregnant" she said as she shoved more cake into her mouth.

"If you see her tell her I wish her good luck!" Harry exclaimed with a small snort at the end.

Harry had dated her in his 5th through early 6th year. He then dated Parvati Patill in his 7th year they dated for a few months after that until Harry decided to end it because he decided he liked Ginny (but he didn't tell her that).

Ginny was a different story though. Ginny had many boyfriends in her time at hogwarts. Ginny was 14 and her very first boyfriend was a muggle man who worked at a shop near the burrow. She ended her relationship with him just a week after her 15th birthday, for she felt that she could never love him. That year she dated Draco Malfoy, but quickly realized dating him was a mistake, she broke up with him two weeks into the relationship and both of them wern't to upset about it. In March of that year,  she started dating Blaise Zabaini, Draco's friend. She broke up with him in the middle of April.

Near the end of that summer she started dating Dean Thomas, their relationship ended in November of Ginny's seventh year. She then started dating Micheal Corner in late March of that year. There relationship ended in May. Now Ginny was dating Colin Creevey and they have only been dating for a month, but Ginny felt that he 'was the one'.

Ginny laughed at his commet and shook her head.

"Right on that" she said as she finished her cake.

"You little-" Harry said but quickly got interrupted.


"How'd you-"

"Family Nickname, I'm used to it" said Ginny as she fibbled with her little plastic fork.

Harry finished his last peice of cake and smiled.

"I need to go use the loo" he said pointing back to the house.

"Oh okay, let me get that for you" she said pointing to his plate.

"Oh, umm thanks" he said giving the plate to her and walking towards the house.

Harry quickly used the bathroom and walked into the empty living room.

It was gonna be a really good night.

Harry walked out the door to the backyard and what he saw next could of shattered his heart into a millon pieces.

To be contuined.... 

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