¤Chapter 1¤

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Ginny got off the Hogwarts train for the last time.

It was the last time, the next time she would be back here is to drop her childern off, if she ever had childern.

She walked onto the brick floor of the platform, her trunk right behind her.

She searched the platform for her Mum and Dad, but could not find them anywhere.

She walked around the platform, looking for a fimaulur face.

"Ginny" she heard from behind her.

Ginny turned to see her best friend in the entire world, Harry Potter.

"Harry" she said as she gave him a hug, "I haven't seen you since Easter" she said to him.

"I know it's been so long" he said embracing her hug, "curse the one year difference between us" he said letting go of the hug.

"So, are my parents here?" She asked, wondering were they were.

They were almost always there, Bill or Fred and George would maybe pick them up on Christmas or Easter break. But her Mrs. Weasley had to see her childern het off the train, especially Ginny, She was the last child in the Weasley family and Ginny knew this would mean alot to her.

"Yes, of course she's here" he said looking at her, "There over there, they were looking for you" he said pointing to the other edge of the platform.

Harry and Ginny started walking left to go find Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

"DAD" Ginny practically screamed running toward her father, leaving the luggage next to Harry, which he gladly pulled along with him.

She hugged him her red hair flying around.

"Hi pumpkin" he said gladly excepting her daughters hug.

"Hi mum" she said hugging her mother.

"Your home, my baby's home and she is going to stay home" she said hugging her daughter tightly.

"Mummmm, I'm not two" she complained looking at her.

"You'll always be our little girl" Aurther chimed in, as Molly finally let go of her daughter.

"We better get home, I have food in the oven" said Molly looking at her.

"Of course you do" Ginny mumbled under her breath.

Harry snickerd quietly as he started walking with some of Ginny luggage, for Ginny held the rest of it.

"What's so funny?" Molly asked turning to look at the childern.

"Oh nothing" Ginny said laughing off her foolishness.

They walked through the platform to see Ron and Hermione standing there.

"Moine" said Ginny happily giving her a hug.

"Oh it's been so long" Hermione wishperd to her friend as they hugged.

Ron put out a hug for Ginny, and Ginny excepted, though she really didn't want to. Ginny loved making fun of her brother and she would go out of her way to do it.

Though she hugged her brother, for she had not seen him in awhile.

The group contuined to walk farther out of the station and into the parking lot.

Mr. Weasley led them into his new, small Toyota Highlander.

They four fit comfortably in the back seat, thanks to an extending charm.

Mr. Weasley got in the front seat and put the keys in the car.

"So, Ginny how are things with you and Micheal?" Said Hermione, wanting to know about her friend's love life.

"We broke up" she said simply, scratching the top of her fiery red hair.

"Why?" Ron questioned.

"You don't need to ask questions, Ronald" said Mrs. Weasley from the front seat.

"No, no it's fine Mum" she said reassuring to her, "he's a git, always have been, I really regret dating him."

"Wow, Ginny, You really know how to get a kind and caring man" Said Ron sarcastically, earning himself a slap from Hermione.

Ron and Hermione continued to question Ginny as they ridded down the road.

Harry stayed silent though, he didn't know why, he just looked out the window of the car.

They finally turned into the long driveway of the burrow.

Ginny opened the door and unbuckled her seat belt, she hopped out the car.

Hermione quickly trailed behind her to help her grab her stuff.

Ginny opened the trunk of the car and grabbed a duffle bag.

Hermione grabbed the other one and the shut the car trunk.

The group walked inside to the house.

Ginny saw James and Lily Potter sitting on the couch.

Sirius Black sat with his wife in the love seat, his children far from them.

Remus sat in the chair, and in between his legs on the floor was Nymphondora Tonk, cuddling her new baby son, Teddy, though his full name was Edward.

"Awww Teddy" said Ginny walking over to Tonks, "can I hold him" she said giving her best puppy dog eyes look.

"Of course you can" said Tonks kindly as she handed her son to Ginny generously.

"He's so grown up" Ginny whimperd at the little one year old in her arms.

Hermione walked over to Ginny as she cradled the little baby in her arms hermione tickled his little foot.

"I wanna a baby" Ginny whined as she held the blue haired baby, "too bad I'm single"

'Too bad your not with me, I would give you a baby' Harry thought in his head.

'Oh crap Harry what the heck' he thought again.

For a minute he thought he was going insane, he loved Ginny like a sister, they had been friends since he was three, he wouldn't want to ruin that.

Charlie walked down the staires, laughing at Ginny's commet.

"Charlie!" Ginny exclaimed happily.

She gave Teddy to Hermione and hugged her brother.

"Hi Runt" said Charlie using the family nickname they had for Ginny.

Ginny let go over her brother and looked around the crowded house, she was home.

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