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[2 Days Later//Alex Apartment]

*Winn knocks on the door*

Alex: *sniffles* Come in

Winn: *walks in on Alex crying on her couch*

Alex: *wipes her tears* S-Sorry I thought you were Eliza.

Winn: It's fine..but Alex we need to talk

Alex: Winn, not right now.

Winn: No. You need to listen to me. *Winn sits down next to her*

[Daxam's Palace]

Marcel: I never knew ruling a whole planet would be so much work.

Lena: Marcel, you haven't done anything! I have done everything!

Marcel: Don't you dare sass me Lena. I'm the one who found you. I'm the one who showed you what you could actually be. I told you Kara is Supergirl.

Lena: I know! I'm sorry Marcel. I'm just stressed. I don't know what I would have done without you.

Marcel: It's okay! We both got rid of Kara and Mon-El so everything is fine! Nothing can stand in our way.

Lena: *hugs Marcel*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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