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- If you have submitted you entry on the FORMS chapter, and I haven't replied "Accepted" nor have I posted your story in the GENRES chapter, please pm because I may have missed it.

- I know Tag Fests leave you with the feeling you may be annoying someone by tagging them, but this is the first time I'm hosting awards, so not many people know about it. Plus, some people may want to be in this awards and not know yet!


- I know I have been changing some stories around. In case you had already started judging one that is no longer in your set, please pm so I can change them.

- Espeacially if you're a judge who is reading both mature and lgtbq+: I may be changing your stories again in the future, I know it's a pain, but I need to keep adapting to new judges who don't read one or either of them.

Acheron Awards (2019) [results are out]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora