Part 1 - Midoriya Time

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Part 1 - Found
(I've decided to add portions of Izuku's backstory after a good amount of writing on a paragraph or something like that. I want to get straight to the point.)
I ran. I just kept running away, not looking back.
Kacchan and his yes-men. That's what I liked to call them. I was terrified, I heard explosions and trash cans being knocked over, and screaming on top of that.
But.. I can't run forever..
My legs give out and I fall to the ground, heavily panting. I see what I dreaded. Kacchan, glaring at me while he charged up an explosion. His friends activating their quirks, and run at me.
I brace for impact, and sure as hell get it.
.    .    .
I lay there, a pool of blood surrounding my motionless body. His friends left with him after running away, thinking they killed him. He had no regret on his face.
I walk up the steps on the campus.
'Geez, way better then where I taught.' Koro-sensei says in my mind. I chuckle a bit as I look at the building.
'Well, at least we aren't learning how to be assassins.' I reply to his remark.
'Hey, it wasn't only assasination!!' He replies in frustration.

I walk into the building having small talk with him. He taught me so much in a short amount of time.. I'd be dead without him.
'I wanna go to America after the exams, you down? I say to him in a normal voice.
'Yeah, maybe we can pick up some stuff to e-'

I'm able to catch myself before I the floor, and time stops. I save myself and pick myself up and see a girl about to touch me. Time continues and a massive gust of wind hits everyone walking everyone walking near me. Everybody looks at me weird and the girl who was about to touch me yelps in fear.
"Oops, didn't mean to scare you there! You okay?" I ask the girl who fell on her butt. "Yeah, jeez I couldn't even see you!" She says in an amused voice.
"I was about to eat the ground, so I just saved myself." I reply.
I help her up as the other students groan while walking.
"Let's do our best okay? I'm Uraraka Ochaco!" She says excitedly. "Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you."
'Okay, prince charming.' Koro-sensei says in my mind. 'Hey hey I just met her.' I reply.

We walk inside while speaking about our favorite heroes. We split up for the written exams, which were super easy. Thanks, Koro-sensei.

The pain just won't go away.. It's pulsating as I lay there in my own blood. I stand up with a lot of struggle, but when I'm able to stand I almost fall over. I notice a sphere with a smaller yellow sphere inside it near a trash can, which almost looks like a face.

We all leave the bus waiting for the exam. I keep a toothy grin while my eyes have a green pattern with lines in it.
'Since your head isn't like mine, your eyes represent your emotions!'

I'm about to walk up to the girl who's calming herself down, when a guy with glasses firmly grabs my shoulder.
"She looks like she's trying to concentrate. Are you trying to ruin her chances of passing?" He says in a stern voice. I scoff and walk away, and at the moment Present Mic screams 'START!'
Everything freezes. I walk up to a few robots and they just fall, destroyed. I see a bunch of other robots, and they get destroyed in an instant.
Everything's still frozen. I take advantage of it all and destroy every robot on the city.

Third Person POV
Time continues, and a massive blow of wind hits the students who were trying to run towards the robots. They see Izuku flicker in front of them, and he smiles.
Every teacher watching looked extremely shocked. All of the robots, destroyed in a second.
"I'm going to America real quick, see ya!" I flicker away and another gust of wind hits them.
Everyone's in a state of shock. Nobody has every seen someone.. so powerful.

More robots come flooding in, because of the lack of them. Everyone attacks them but the staff are still in shock.
"How could someone.. be so powerful?" Midnight says in a confused tone. "Nezu, make him representative of my class right away." Aizawa says to the bear, rat hybrid. "Y-yes, alright.." Nezu says in a shaky voice. "We're so lucky he's not a villain.." Present Mic exclaims with fear in his voice.

The Mach 20 Izuku!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora