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A lot of major smut ahead

Josh left the room.

I was still sprawled out on the bed, my neck and collar were kinda soar from how hard he was sucking and biting my neck a few minutes ago.

He came back with a grocery bag in his hand, he sat it down on the bed

I was still holding the fuzzy pink blanket Josh had gotten me, rubbing it against my face, feeling how soft it was.

Josh sat down in front of me

"What's in the bags?" I asked.

"You wanna see don't you?" He teased.

"I mean ya." I replied annoyed.

"For every question you answer, I'll show you one item." He said.

"Fine." I sighed.

"First question, have you ever had a sexual fantasy about me?"

"Woahhh Josh, not those type of questions." I laughed nervously.

"Answer them or I won't show u what I have." He warned.

"Fine...yes I have." I sighed.

"Explain it." He smirked.

"No, you simply asked if I had a sexual fantasy about you, not what it was about, now show me what you have." I demanded.

He pulled out a small bottle of KY warming lube.

My breath hitched at the sight.

"J-Josh." I stuttered out, feeling my stomach drop.

"Now explain the fantasy, cause I have more items." He smirked biting his lip.


My mind was blank for a minute.

We weren't gonna use that stuff....tonight.

Were we?

"W-we were in a field, I was wearing a dress, you only had on shorts and you tackled me to the ground and started... kissing down my neck...then down my chest...to my hip bones." I breathed out remembering the dream.

He shuffled through the bag and pulled out Vaseline.

"W-whats that for?" I asked in an innocent voice.

"It's for if we have....sex and you get hurt." He said in a soft voice rubbing my outer thigh.

"W-why would I get hurt if we had sex Josh?" I asked confused?

"Well, you're a virgin so..."

"How would you know I'm a virgin." I interrupted in an upset tone.

"Well.... by the way you moan just by me biting your lip... it's obvious baby." He smiled reaching for my cheek.

"That doesn't mean I'm a virgin!" I said angrily declining his hand.

You can call me Josh Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ