Final and last update, my apologies to all (adressing triggers⚠️)

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   I began writing this book when I was 14 years old, I was under a lot of stress and wrote this fanfic as a way of coping. I never ever expected it to get this big ever. I really really appreciate all of the support and love I've gotten from this story. But I've grown since then and re-read this story and I don't feel comfortable continuing it. After re-reading it I've found it to be extremely triggering. I apologize to everyone for this story, i see now how this may have gone too far at points.With the triggering mentions of ⚠️sh,Age play, age gap, SA. Which are all things I personally was struggling with at the time and subconsciously venting through the story. I now realize how triggering and inappropriate the entire story line is. I apologize sincerely to everyone. To anyone who has been triggered by this story. I hope that you guys can understand. I'm older and more mature now, I can now see how the age gap is wrong. How predatory the whole story is and how it's romanticizing abuse in a lot of ways. I experienced some very tough things with an abuser prior to writing this story and poured my traumas onto the characters. I deeply apologize and hope everyone can understand why I won't be continuing this story and don't encourage the reading of this story. I thank all of you and I sincerely say I'm sorry.


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