home time

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Me and him left his house and walked to mine in silence, he seemed so alert and the smallest noise would make him jump. We arrived at my house before I noticed my dad was there. "Shittt" I said before saying "Jim you have to go like right now but for some reason I really don't want you to walk home alone" I said whilst looking around and figuring out a plan. "Right come with me and don't make a noise." I said sternly hoping to get in into his head.

"Ok ok I won't. He said as he followed me to my front door. I quietly opened the door and peaked in, my father was sleeping on the couch. So I told jim to follow me and we quietly walked up the stairs into my room. I locked the door behind me so my dad wouldn't wake up and barge in.

Jim was totally out of it, I just met this kid and I was already his baby sitter, he looked around my room and sat down at my vanity to look at the razor blades and broken glass with blood on it on my desk before I quickly grabbed them all and put it in my drawer he just looked at me in pity, he went to say something before I cut him off not wanting to hear it. "You can sleep on the bed but if you snore one goddamn time you're out." He just laughed and went along with it. We were so tired he just went straight to bed. I slept at the top of the bed and he slept on the foot of the bed.

He was out for the count but I couldn't sleep, I was nearly asleep before I heard my dad come up the stairs I freaked and I just pretending i was asleep so he wouldn't come in. I locked the door but my dad isn't the type of person to care about locks he'd just kick the door down if he thought I was up to something. He tried to use the handle and I gasped in fear, he wasn't always a bad guy only sometimes. I shook jim awake before he woke up "Yes?" He said screwing his face up out of tiredness. "You need to get in my closet right now. Please Jim" I said my eyes filled with fear. "Yeah I will but are you ok?" He said making his way over. "No time but be quiet and don't come out until I say you can." I said shutting the closet door.

I unlocked the door to greet my dad with a smile, he discarded it before he quickly grabbed my wrist and said "who else is here?" In a stern tone. "No one" I said back to him trying my best to lie. "I heard you talking don't try to lie to me violet." He said tightening his grip causing me to let out a whisper from the pain. "Dad I swear there's no one here." He looked me up and down. "Look at you. You think you can get away with everything." He said as he took his hand of my wrist to slap my cheek, I felt it burning before I grabbed my hair to bring me closer to him. "Well you can't." He said before he pushed me too the floor. We stormed out and slammed the door before I got up and locked it. I slid down the door and just cried before jim came out of hiding and came out to me. "Hey, it's okay" he said as he took me into a hug. "I can't put up with that asshole anymore" I said as I cried into his chest. He lifted my face up to examine the damage done and he wiped the blood from under my nose before he kissed my forehead. I quickly gathered my self by standing up and wiping my stupid tears away. "I'm going to sleep" I said quietly before taking my top off and putting on a different one. Jim just sat on the bed looking out the window. I took my skirt off to put on a pair of pyjama shorts to, I couldn't care less if Jim was there, he looked up at me before scanning me and he's eyes caught to my wrist which had a few cuts scattered over it. "Violet I know we just met but like you can talk to me, like what am I going to do? I wouldn't tell anyone." He said trying to be sweet. "Look Jim I'm doing you this one nice thing, we don't have to be friends, I'm letting you stay here because I'm afraid of what you'd do if you were alone. Tomorrow we have school so after that we can go our separate ways." He looked at me upset, his eyes saddened and his facial expression dropped. "I just wanted someone to talk to, I can't put all the pressure on my sister I couldn't do that to her and I think by the looks of it you need someone to talk to aswell, I just didn't want to be so alone anymore." He said as he curled up into a ball on the foot of the bed to go back to sleep. "Just go to sleep, you won't even remember my name tomorrow." I said crawling into bed beside him and going to sleep, this kid was nice. I liked him, he was caring and not to mention so stunning but he had his issues I could tell he had a drug problem, I knew I had one too, I'd been clean for like 12 hours.

I couldn't get enough, the feeling of euphoria when you do a line or take a xanax, these are the moments I live for. I could see jim had the same problem, I could tell he loved the high, I don't even know this kid but he knows more about me than I know about myself.

Property sold fast is palos verdes, people liked how the lawns were neatly cut, the roofs tiled and the fact that the houses were painted white every three years.  The beaches where cleaned by machines which turned the sand into fine immaculate powder. It seemed like the perfect place to be, no one really knew how bad it actually was, if it looks perfect it must be perfect, right? Well the place was crawling with depressed kids and drugs that were going under their parents noses.

I decided to try to go to sleep, I closed my eyes and wondered what will happen tomorrow before my mind went black and I drifted off to sleep.

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