the fall

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They play on the edge of the abyss

-what if I were to fall?

-you won't, don't worry

-would you catch me?

A silence spanning the length of eternity


They run and skid by the maw of the abyss

-whew, that was close

-let's go a little further back

-would you have caught me if I had fallen?

An automatic response, listless and robotic

-of course I would.

They run and they tumble at the lip of the abyss

-I'm falling! I'm falling!

-it's fine, you'll be fine

-can you catch me?


please, catch me. PLEASE


He sits and he stares at the edge of the abyss

-I was too far away, her hand slipped before I could reach her

-I told her we should go but she wouldn't listen

His promise of always lingers in his mind


he let her


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