My son and My Ex

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TO: The Scotsman

Regarding: The Target

From: Mr. Aguirre

You have no right to involve yourself into what I plan to do to that bitch that won't let me take my son. All I want is him. To be able to be a parent. Is that wrong? Don't answer that I dont need your approval. 

I thought that because of what you went through that you would be supportive of my decision. I just want my son. I want him to be raised like a normal boy, with his father. He doesn't need that stupid bitch that stole him from me. 

I want you to look more into Nicklaus. I need to know that he's fine. That she hasn't corrupted him into thinking that I don't love him or want him. I DO AND ALWAYS WILL!



She thinks she's so smart. She's not. I should've known that she wasn't going to abort that UN-natural thing she gave birth to. Now I get to end not only her existence but our sons too. This is almost too good to be true. Damon just has to stop asking questions, knowing him, when he finds out the truth he'll probably kill me instead of them... Let's hope it doesn't get that far. 


Hey there readers.... Yeah i need a better greeting, I really do. 

Anywhooooo. What gucci? 

I hope you guys liked this little insight on Damon and Niklaus' birth-father. 

Have an amazing weekend. I might not update again therefore updated twice. 

~LEXXI :^)  *&*

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