CHAPTER 4: The Son And Dinner

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        As I walked back into the house I realized who it was that Carter invited to dinner and I abruptly stopped walking. Damon. Why him of all people Carter could befriend, it had to be him? Don’t act so annoyed and upset. We’ll live and if we don’t, we can always haunt his ass. We don’t die, dumbass. Plus he wouldn’t be able to kill us. He’s HUMAN. I’m not so sure about that. Yeah, right…

 I shook my head and continued walking, knowing they, and he, was walking behind me. I sat in the spot next to Cameron, like before. The boys have stopped playing their game, and are all staring at

Damon. He stared back. Carter, completely oblivious to the tension or just ignoring it, ran over to the loveseat, me and Cam are sitting on, jumped, laid himself on top of our laps. I looked at Cam, she looked at me and we immediately pushed him off, crossing our legs in synchronization. Jaxon, whose attention was suddenly on us, laughed as Carter rubbed his head and ass. I rolled my eyes, which soon landed on Damon, who was watching me. I raised an eye brow, Ten growled. A small smile worked its way on my lips, Damon watched the movement, and Ten growled lower, more threatening. “Ten.” I said, my voice calm and steady. “Is there something you’d like to say?” His head snapped to me, and he shook his head vigorously. He likes us. Figures. I know, don’t all men do. We are too conceded. Self-confident. Why did you have to show up in my head again… Don’t answer that.

             I could feel Jaxon drilling eye shaped holes in the side of my head. “Yes, brother?”

            “Nothing.” He replied. Okay…

            A few minutes passed in silence, and then the front door opened. Tiny feet pounded on the hardwood floor of the hallway that leads to the room we occupied. A tiny boy with dirty blonde hair and tan skin, rushed into my sitting form. “Mommy!” He yelled.

           I sighed, burring my face into his neck as his arms wrapped around my neck. "Hey, baby." I whispered. He stopped squeezing my neck and got himself situated on my lap. "How was school, Niklaus?" I asked, running my hand through his long, dirty blonde hair. 

His dark violet eyes looked at me through thick lashes. "It's not as fun as being home, mommy. I made friends, though. They're names are Claire and Jack." He smiles widely, showing that he is missing his two front teeth. 

"And your teacher?" Jaxon asked, sitting on the arm of the loveseat. 

I watched at Nik's smile vanished, and I wrapped my arm around his torso, bringing him closer to me. "Mrs. Mercy isn't nice, Uncle Jax. She doesn't like me, or any of the other kids but mostly me. She thinks I'm weird. I heard her-" I cut him off with a look, suddenly remembering that we weren't alone, with that came the realization that they were all staring in shock at my son and me. I wrinkled my nose, a signal that meant "smell the air" and Nik did just that. " I heard her say it, I think." 

"Nice save, Nik. You are your fathers son." I smiled at him and he nodded, a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. I know what that means, I've always known he'd ask about him. I just don't know if this is too soon, or if I should just tell him... Tell him. He would never forgive us if we didn't and let's face facts, it's not like we can lie to him. The truth is what he wants and we've never lied to him before, nor him to us. I didn't know you were capable of caring for others, let alone our son. You know me, full of suprises. Oh and Maria better hurry, I can smell the spaghetti from her. 

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