Regarding the Mission- Mr. Aguirre?

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TO: Mr. Aguirre

Regarding: The target

From: The Scottsmen 

You claimed I needed to stay in contact with you, showing daily reports. Here's report one. The target isn't like others, or like us. It's completely different, can't get a distinct smell from it. It seems that it does not react well to threats, I've tried. It doesn't react like most do. It just stares back just as challenging and barely a heartfelt challenge, almost as if it saw me as infurior. I'm not sure what daily reports will do but I think the most important thing is that there is a child in the mix of this. I will try to investigate more into that. If there is anything else you need me to look into, let me know.

Oh and Mr. Aguirre, I know the child is yours. The way he acts, difinately yours. I don't know the point of this mission, whatever you're planning will backfire awfully in your face, especially if I think what you want to do is what I think you want to do. As someone who had it happen to them, your best bet is to leave them be, it seems he doesn't need or want you... Sorry if I got into your personal business. I could careless about you, I'm only caring about the kid. Reminds me of myslef to be honest.

Have an awful night, afternoon, morning, or whenever the hell you read this...


                                                            The Scottsman

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