Girls night

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~2 weeks after the proposal~


Portia greets cheerfully while throwing her arms round my neck tightly, pulling me into a hug. I hug her back with a large smile on my face. Her hair was down, she was wearing a cropped hoodie and shorts with some regular flip flops, she looked cute! As always


I greet in return, mid-hug.

It was our monthly girls night, me and Portia have been best friends ever since me and Julian began dating. These nights were always so fun...Julian is out with asra right now, at the rowdy raven. Those boys...

I laugh to myself, thinking of the trouble they could be getting in right now

Julian and I made up these nights as a way for each of us to get a chance to breathe every once in a while...we more than loved being near each other, but some time apart is healthy. It started out as once a week...but neither of us could handle here we are, at the bare minimum

"Ooh! I'm so excited fo-"

Portia stops mid sentence as she notices me being spacey and staring off, idly fidgeting with my hands


She raises her voice in attempts to get me to come to my senses, it works and I shake my head, refocusing my vision on her with an apologetic smile

"Sorry Porsch, guess I stared off"

I nervously chuckle before noticing that I never took off my ring...before she can talk I part ways with Portia for a moment

"Wait- excuse me"

I say hastily as I rush off to mine and Julian's room. Taking off my ring and hiding it under my pillow before scurrying back to Portia

"Heh...heh...sorry about that. Anyways, you were saying?"

I attempt to get her to ignore my behavior and ask questions to distract her

She gives me an unamused look, fists resting on her hips as she tosses her weight to one hip. I immediately know I'm doomed...

"I was saying that I brought fun face masks...but then I noticed you're acting weird...did something happen? Did ilya hurt you? I'll kill that idiot...I taught him how to treat girls...doesn't he remember anything? I mean..."

She continues to ramble on for multiple minutes before I interrupt


I say in a hushed voice, she doesn't hear me so I roll my eyes and get louder


She snaps out of it and looks up at me with a look that says "my bad". I chuckle a little

"Listen, everything's okay, he didn't hurt me, we're good Porsch, better than good."

I smile reassuringly, she cocks an eyebrow at me and grins as I say that

"Somethings up...spill it."

I almost lie- then it's like- I can't. I just start talking without hesitation.

"Listen, Julian proposed, I said yes. Of course. But I'm not supposed to tell anyone because I'm not sure how to tell asra and- and- please don't tell anyone else"

I explain in a frantic tone. Portia just stands there with a wide grin set upon her lips. I can feel it...she's itching to latch onto me and never let go. So I let it happen, as I said, she hugs me and refuses to let go. She begins crying tears of happiness

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