Knothole Village

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"SNT!" Sonic's distant cries echoed for what seemed like an eternity. A cluster of flashing colors filled the creäture's recoiled eyes while she felt as though her body was being flung in all directions at once. The green energy that took her away, kept a strong hold on her body preventing any chance the creäture had of making an escape. All SNT could do was scream. As her eyes were assaulted by the constant flashing of endless colorations, she was finally blinded by a white glow.

In an instant, darkness took hold. A cold breeze brushed against the animal's aquatic fur. The sense of pulling she felt before quickly faded as a new sensation took its place. SNT opened her eyes and quickly noticed her sudden change of location. Instead of a lively rainforest scarred by the recent invasion of predators, she was walking in a straight orange plain that appeared to be experiencing the autumn season. The plain more suited the term 'plateau' as it appeared as a straight and narrow path to a singular direction. Palm trees lined up this one pathway with dead leaves falling from their branches. At the end a bright light shone that seemed to call out to SNT.

W-what just happened? SNT thought aloud only to realize that her lips failed to utter a single word. The creäture already knew that she was transported to a different world, it not being the first time something ripped her away from her home dimension. However, SNT wasn't sure what to truly think about her new surroundings. It was silent, with no animals or flickies in sight. It was just empty, there only being the path she now walks upon. The creäture huddled her arms close, quickly realizing that she wasn't walking of her own volition. It was as though this world was forcing her to move just like how it kept everything silent.

This place gives me the creeps, SNT thought. The thought of her friends being confused by her sudden disappearance worried the creäture, especially Sonic who seemed to go crazy when she wasn't around 24/7. As she thought about her friends, a sudden murmur grabbed her attention. It sounded like a muffled voice, somehow piercing through the laws of this reality. Her emerald-green eyes darted around, only to once again find nothing that would make this sudden noise.

Maybe it was just my imagination, she sighed. A place where silence reigned supreme would easily allow one's mind to play tricks on them. SNT stared at her ever-moving feet and closed her eyes to allow her current situation to sink in.

"You're—" SNT's eyes burst open as that same murmur occurred again. This time it was a little more clear than before. The creäture once more looked over her surroundings, hoping that this distant voice wasn't just her mind playing tricks. Once again, she found nothing but the path she already ventured. SNT couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. How could she fall for the same trick twice? She needed to clear her head and think of a way to get out of this world and return to her friends, worrying about some distant voice she couldn't even understand would only serve to waste time. SNT took a deep breath and cleansed her mind of any distracting thoughts.

"You're in danger," the voice suddenly warned clearly. SNT's eyes widened, a ball of anxiety formed within her gut and once more made the creäture scan her surroundings. She even peeked behind herself in the hopes that she'd find some kind of intellectual life that could tell her how to leave this world. The creäture did discover that something was indeed far behind herself, however, the being she caught a glimpse of was a monstrous beast. This beast resembled that of the invasive predators she recently helped Sonic repel, but it was much bigger and more feral looking than anything she had ever seen before. Large blue spikes covered its back, its clawed paws rampantly propelling its unproportionally large body off the ground, drool splashing across its open shark-like maw while its eyes were a pitch black void. SNT's eyes shrunk to the size of a bead as she realized what the voice meant by her being in danger.

SNT: Shattered DimensionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora