Chapter 7:Shop Keeper

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"Have we met before?"

Naofumi looked towards the girl who was crouching infront of him. She looked lost for words,but Naofumi still feeling like he knew her tried to remember where they may have met.

He thought very hard and as he did the more his head started to get a few zaps of pain. Though he was getting the zaps they quickly faded as he continued onward to discover the answer.

During his memory searching he suddenly remembered the girl exactly as she was now. Crouching infront of him,but in the scene he had noticed there were people in seats viewing them. He had also noticed that there were others there. Three wielding weapons,and two who were possibly royalty.

After a while he blinked his eyes a few more before the scene had begun to fade away and before he knew was gone.

He blinked his eyes once more,this time he had returned to the location he was in. He looked and saw the giant box next to him along with the girl who was there. He brought his hands up to his eyes then rubbed them.

He rubbed them some more before he stopped and looked right back to the girl.

"Naofumi,are you okay?" the girl asked to the man.

"I remember why you're familiar to me ma'am." Naofumi said to the girl.

The raccoon girl looked at Naofumi with eyes filled with shock. She then stood back up and took a few steps back.

"Y-you do?" She asked still with her shocked expression.

Naofumi then followed what the girl had done. He to stood up and took a few steps back. Once he stood he brushed off and looked towards the girl.

"Yeah,I remember you. You were the girl that was with me when I suddenly woke up in the arena thing from some time ago." Naofumi answered as he scratched the back of his head.

The raccoon girl looked at Naofumi as her shocked expression slowly went down. As it went down her ears also went down. She then crossed her arms then sighed.

Naofumi was confused by this turn of events,but before he could question it he was suddenly caught by the sound of footsteps coming closer behind me.

While he stood his ears had captured the incoming steps of someone. With this in mind he turned himself around and saw a bald man with a beard. As he observed the man he had came to the conclusion that the man was possibly a shop keeper.

"What's keeping ya Raphtali...a?" the shopkeeper had said but with a sudden stop.

"H-hello there s-sir." Naofumi said with nervousness.

The trio stood there in an awkward silence with many of the pedestrians walking around minding their own business,but would at time slip in a little peak of the three.

As time had passed Naofumi had looked around and came to the realization that this was a truly awkward moment. So in a last course of action he casually whistled as he put his hands behind his back.

During that time the shopkeeper had snapped out of the little moment and cleared his throat. With him clearing his throat it had also brought Raphtalia back to the present.

"Well then sir,um...are these your boxes?" Naofumi said as he pointed to the boxes nearby.

"W-why yes. Those were supposed to be retrieved by my assistant...which I presume you met?" the shopkeeper said as he gestured to the raccoon girl.

"Oh correct I have met her,but I am horribly sorry that I had prevented you from getting these boxes at the original time span." apologized Naofumi as he bowed his head to the man.

The shopkeeper had let out a little sigh before he moved towards the black haired young adult and patted his back...maybe a bit too hard.

"No worry kid,though I do wonder. Where have you been?" the shopkeeper asked as he lifted his hand from Naofumi's back.

With question asked,Naofumi just looked at the man with a blank expression. With this expression visible the shopkeeper closed his eyes and nodded. He then opened them and looked back at the young adult.

"Nevermind,sorry I got you confused with someone else." he said as he looked away from him.

Naofumi now even with more confusion looked away from the man and back to the boxes. He then found a new topic they could talk about so they could shake off the pretty big cloud of awkward they were in.

"Um...hey what's um...what's in these boxes?" Naofumi asked the man as he pointed them.

The man looked over to the boxes and his face returned to what it was before.

"Oh yeah,these boxes are filled with defense gear and offense gear. You know? Just what a shopkeeper who sells weapons and armor would need." the man said as he walked towards the boxes.

As he walked to the boxes I looked back to Raphtalia as she followed the man. Apparently she's his assistant,wonder how long they've been assistant and manager for.

I quickly shook that thought out of my brain and looked at the two where one of them was carrying the box and the other was holding some things from I suppose the box. Things include armor,a sword,spear,and bow...though just weapons.

I saw this and wondered how come there were just weapons when he said there was also some defense content in there. Maybe they just didn't take them out?

Nevertheless my mind kept thinking about the defense contents in the box like more armor,maybe some fences,and maybe a shield-

Suddenly a mysterious glow had appeared next to me,the light was pretty bright. I looked towards the source and saw it was on my arm,the color of bright green had cloaked my arm.

As the glow brewed more and more I had noticed that within the glow there was a sphere like gem. Then I had noticed that the shape of the glow was that of...a shield?

I tried to see more,but suddenly the glow had started to die down and fade away. As it faded away my mind was still thinking of the sphere and the shield like shape.

Suddenly I was brought back to reality by a sudden impact from the back of my head. I looked around and saw that the shopkeeper was behind me with his hand in the air near my head.

"Hey,you doing good?" the adult said to me.

I looked at him and nodded my head,with him responding with a nod back.

"Well,I suppose since I got my stuff,might as well head back to my shop. C'mon Raphtalia,let's go." the man said as he carried his wear with him.

"R-right behind you." the racoon girl said as she left after him.

Before she took another step though she turned around and looked at me. She then bowed her head then picked it back up.

"Have a good day Mr.Naofumi,I hope we meet each other again soon." she said before she turned around and left with her manager.

I stood there still with many thoughts clouding my mind. What just happened? Where did it go? Where did it come fro-wait...

"Why was I here in the first place again?"

End of Chapter 7

[Well this was a pretty long wait for this to be updated. Either way here it is,hope y'all enjoyed it. Sorry for any errors that I had overlooked within this chapter. This has been the person who makes this story and I'll see you all in the next update. Bu Bye!]

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