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"Well you want to know what I want!? I want to forget you! I want to forget everything about you! I want to forget how I was raised! I want to forget our friendship! I wish I never met your existence Catra!" she shouted out at me frustrated.

I was hurt as my heart just took a shot and my eyes were now wide.

"I want to forget you.....but I can't," she said putting her head down.

I couldn't say anything. I want to say something my mouth wouldn't open as my voice was quiet. I felt the tears coming down my eyes as I was trying to hold them back but I failed.

"I can't because I love you," those were her last words as she walked away.

"Bye Catra..."

I crashed to my knees as I sobbed.

"She left me....Again!" I cried.

Why does it hurt!? Why does it hurt that she left? Why does my heart beat every time she's around.

'I love you'

Ugh! I don't love you! I hate you!

I cried and cried as I was alone in the woods.

"Catra?" the voice said sounding like Adora.

"Go away Adora!" I shouted with my head down.

"I'm sorry....I didn't mean to leave you." she walked towards me.

I didn't say anything. As she walked toward me and hugged me.


"I love you Catra," she said as she put her arms tight on me.


Is. Not. ADORA.

I pushed her off and kicked her.

"You are not Adora!"

"Smart kitten," she said as it was the girl from before.

Can't this girl take a hint!?

"You're not allow to call me that!" I screamed.

"I can't go back home empty handed," she smirked.

"Looks like your going today empty handed," I smirked as she got angry.

She ran at me as she tried to kick me. I grabbed her leg and flipped her over as I jumped on top of her back and she fell foward. She went back up and grabbed my leg as she threw me but I landed on my feet as I jumped on top of a tree.

"Come out!" she shouted as I saw her looking around.

I snickered as I felt my head get hit from behind. I fell off the tree as the girl punched me a I fell.

"The hell!?" I shouted as I tried to get back up.

"Nu uh kitten," she said as she put her leg on top of me as the other person next to her had ropes in her hands.

Ugh. Again?

I was tied up as they carried me to some place. We passed by so many trees that I got tired and dizzy at the same time.

I have to keep my guard up no matter what....

"Well look who's back?" He said.

"You again? Why can't you people take the hint! Like no she don't like you! And you girl I don't like you!" I shouted.

Josh slapped me as I was now pissed.

"Your going to regret doing that..." I said.

"Looks like Adora isn't here to protect you anymore," he smirked.

"She chose to do that I never asked for her protection," I stated.

He looked away from me and went to his people as the girl winked at me soon as she left.

I'm going to kill him when I'm out of here!

"Catra! Are you here!? Catra!"


I see Adora running towards me with a smile on her face.

"Adora how are you here?"

"Well they kidnapped me here sucks huh?" She laughed.

"Weirdo now how do we get out of here?!"

"I don't know...but I did saw an exit here!" She said as grabbed my hand and dragged me.

Then the memory went into my mind again 'I love you' as I felt my face get red.

"I thought it was here..." she sighed.

"Adora did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" She said innocently.

"When you said you love me did you mean it!?" I shouted a little to aggressively.

"Of course I did, I will always love you Catra," she smiled.

I didn't hate her smile now but missed it. As I hugged her tightly and she hugged back.

"Sorry to interrupt the moment," I saw a person from behind as they shot an arrow from the back of Adora's heart.


Adora fell from my arms as she was now in my arms as I cried.

"Adora please don't again! Please don't leave me!"

" happy," Adora said as she put one of her hands to hold my cheek.

"I want to be happy with you!" I shouted as the tears kept coming down.


"No this isn't real! I'm dreaming I will wake up and your going to be alive yeah that's what's going to happen," I said as the tears kept coming down.

"I love you," those were her last words as her hand fell off my cheek and her skin felt cold.


"Nonononono Adora!?"



"I love you...please!"

"Don't leave me again!"

I sobbed on her chest as I felt her air gone and not hearing her heart beat. My tears were none stop as the person I loved just died in my arms.

"I'll kill them...they did this to you," I snarled.

I'll murder them all.

"Hahaha!" I hear laughter from the corner of the room.

"I will kill you Josh," I said as I put Adora onto the ground gently and got up to see him face to face.

"Oh Catra," he smirked.

"She's not even real, I'm not real, this room isn't real! Your under a technology force of mine where I can play with your mind isn't that fun?" He snickered.


"So it was funny for you to watch her die!?"

"No Catra hun it was funny to watch you cry. To see you suffer brings me joy!" He laughed.

I punched him but the hologram dissolved.

I'm getting pissed about this. How dare he make a hologram of Adora! How dare he play with me and messed me up. DAMMIT! I JUST WANT ADORA!

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