Chapter 28

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"I want to file charges against Logan." I say and Noah looks at me, pulling me into his side.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asks.

"I want my life back. I don't want to be scared for my life, like any moment, Logan is going to attack me again." I add, shivering from the thought.

"I'll go with you to the precinct, if you would like to?" He asks. I turn to face him and see stability in his eyes.

"Could you?" I ask and my response was a kiss to the lips.

"Of course, sweetheart." I hug him and pretty soon, I can feel my eyes close and I fall asleep against his chest.


I open my eyes and look around my surroundings, fear settling in my stomach when I notice a note on the nightstand, with a piece of chocolate.

'Hey, sweetheart,

You are safely in Nat's room.'

I hold the note in my hands when there is a knock on the door and Noah pokes his head in.

"Hey, you're awake." He says, coming to sit next to me on the bed. I sit up and look at him.

"Not gonna lie, I was terrified that Nathan and Logan got to me again." Noah wraps me up in his arms as he holds me.

"I wouldn't let them lay a finger on you." I yawn again and Noah chuckles. "Come on, sleeping beauty, let's go face the world." He kisses me on the cheek before helping me up and I wrap my arms around him.

"Thank you." I lay my head on his chest and he lays his chin on top of my head.

"Okay lovebi-, oh shit, sorry." Peter says from the doorway and I giggle before lifting my head up to look Noah in the eyes.

"We better go. I definitely need to change." I go to let go, but he swoops me up in his arms and carries me into the living room. I can see Natalie and Peter laughing, while I hide my face in Noah's shirt. "Noah, I need to change." I whine, but he tightens his grip on me while picking up my duffel bag to carry to the bathroom. He finally puts me on my feet, but am shocked when he turns on the shower. "Noah?" I ask, but he turns back to me, pinning me with the most beautiful eyes.

"Is it wrong to treat my girlfriend?" I stare at him, shocked and I lean up against the wall. "Aw crap. Natalie!" He yells and she comes running in, but I rush into his arms and hug him. "Hazel, I love you, but you need to loosen your grip a bit." I do and he laughs.

"Girlfriend? When did that become official?" I ask jokingly, but my response was a different look in his eyes. If it was Logan, I would've been scared out of my mind, but this was Noah, and I know that, no matter what, he would never hurt me. He slowly walks towards me and I walk backward until I'm against the wall, and Noah traps me with his arms. I bit my lip and he looks down, desire crossing his eyes before leaning down. My arms go around his neck as I'm still being pushed up against the wall, wishing there were no clothes between us. I slip my hands under his shirt and run them up his chest before down his abs.

"Hey Nat!" Peter yells and we pull apart, breathing heavily and I can feel my face heat up and Noah chuckles.

"Did the two lovebirds do it in the bathroom?" Nat asks, before laughing. "They got pretty close. Come on you two, just get married already." Natalie says, jokingly before walking away. I pull away from Noah to look in the mirror.

"Holy shit." I say at my reflection. My cheeks are flushed, lips swollen, and somehow my hair looks a mess. Noah, on the other hand, looks like he just walked out of an Abercrombie catalog, except the only difference is that there's a sparkle in his eyes. I look closer and I see the same thing in mine.

"I'll let you shower." He says, planting a kiss before walking out the door, but throwing in one of the sexiest winks and smirks you can get and I immediately fan myself.

That was so fricking hot.

I smile before undressing and walking into the shower. I clean up and let the water run down my body before turning it off and grabbing a towel, when I hear an odd sound. I wrap the towel around myself and find a back brush to use. I take a deep breath before pulling open the curtain to see Noah brushing his teeth.

"H, you okay?" He says with a toothbrush in his mouth, but I just glare at him.

"You almost gave me a fricking heart attack." I say, putting the brush away before glaring at Noah to get out. He nods and does so before I dry off and put my clothes on. I put on my grey and white striped long-sleeved sweater, my favorite blue jeans that look really good on me, and then my ankle boots. I brush my hair, as it is almost dry and it falls into beachy waves, add some moisturizing and makeup to my eyes and lipstick before smiling at my reflection. I grab my bag and walk out to the living room.

"Damn H." Nat says and I nod before setting my bag down next to the bed. We sit down at the island for breakfast and talk over the plan for the day

"I'm taking H to the precinct." Noah says, laying an arm across the back of my chair. Natalie looks at me.

"Wait seriously? That's great!" She rounds the island and hugs me. "No wonder you seem bolder." She pulls away as both Noah and I stand up. I go grab my purse as Noah waits by the door. 

"Ready to do this, sweetheart?" He asks me, holding out his hand.

"As ready as I will ever be." I reply, placing my hand in his and he tightens his hand around mine.

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