Chapter 7

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(Harry's pov)

I was playing the video game with Niall and Louis when I heard someone walk in. It was Nichole and Zayn, they both looked very happy. It's a boy I thought.

"Bonjour Madame!" Louis said not paying any attention to them but to the game.

Niall jumped up and ran over to Nichole tripping over all the blankets.

"What is it! What is it! Tell me! Please!" Niall said on his knees practically begging.

"Nialler it's a boy" Nichole said with A giant smile.

"Hell yes!" Niall said jumping up an down in excitement.

"Congrats, since its a boy you have to name it Louis number two" Louis said with a cheeky smile kissing Zayn and Nichole on the cheek.

"Not sure about that Lou" Zayn said laughing.

"I say you name it Harry then the baby's name will be Harry Malik" I said making a joke and everyone laughed and I gave them my famous smile with my dimples showing.

"Your adorable Hazza" Nichole said grabbing me into a bear hug.

"I know" I said and held her tight. She smelt good like vanilla. She always smelled like that because I got her some perfume for her birthday.... The day I actually was stupid enough to kiss her. It was amazing and the best kiss I've ever had. When I kissed her she kissed back maybe it was because we were drunk but when I kissed her it felt right like every little problem in the world went away. But of course it was about two months ago and we agreed to never talk about it again which tore my heart to pieces but thats what she wanted so I agreed.


1 month later

"Hazza!" Come here I heard Nichole yell.

So out of instincts I ran like a crazy man because I thought she was hurt.

"What?!" I said startled to see that see was just laying on the bed feeling her belly.

"He kicked! The baby kicked!" She said with her beautiful smile.

"Seriously? Can I feel?" I asked knowing she would kill me if I didn't.

"Of course hurry!" She said grabbing my hand.

"Do you feel him?" She asked hoping I did.

"Wow. It's amazing what a baby can do in someone's belly" I said loving that I was the first to feel out of all the guys.

"I know it's so life changing you know" she said looking at me with a small smile. She was really tired I could tell by the dark circles. She hadn't slept a lot for the past month and she's been getting sick easily.

She yawned and laid her head on me and drifted off to sleep. I laid my head on her head and rubbed her back till I fell asleep to.


(Liam's pov)

"Hazza! Hazza! Harry where the hell are you?".

Where the hell is that boy. I walked to his room and he wasn't there. I checked the shower but it was just Louis and I saw way more then I need too. Zayn was doing a twit cam with Niall and I was walking around like an idiot.

I walked to see if Nichole and my soon to be nephew were in her and Zayns room. I walked in and her and Harry were asleep in each others arms.

"Wakeup! Sleepy heads were going to the Ed Sheeran concert in an hour!" I said jumping on the bed like a little kid.

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