Chapter 3

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Sorry if it bores you guys.. But i really hope you guys enjoy it <3


(Nialls pov)

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Yum i thought time to eat. So me and Harry ran to the table to eat with Louis. Then walked out Liam. Dang he looks rough i thought to myself probably Daneille again like always so i just continued to eat my breakfast.

After we got finished eating Louis went to take a shower and Harry had this briliant plan whiched involved ice cold water and ballons. Me and Liam jump in excitement and we got all the ballons ready and gave them to Harry and he ran in the bathroom and threw them on Louis.

"Holy shit!" i heard him scream.

And we all just lay on the floor laughing our butts off at Louis.

Well after that i decided to go to the pub to get a drink and maybe go get some new shoes.

I get in the car and drive to the pub. I walk in and see Nichole standing at the counter taking orders. I find her quite charming and hilarious. And no i have no interest in her just liked to be her friend thats all.

So i walk up to the counter. I can tell she reconizes me because she smiles really big showing her amazingly gorgeous teeth.

"Hi Niall what can i get you" she says so generously.

"Just a drink please" i say grinning.

"Okay just give me a second ill be back" she smiles and rushes off to the kitchen.

She comes back with my drink and hands it to me and she walks with me to my seat and sits down with me. We talk for quite awhile just being funny and laughing and not giving a care in the world.

"So" i ask "I seen you and Zayn, do you like him?" i asked knowing i was being noisey but she didn't seem to mind she just smiled at me and started to answer my question.

"Actually yes i do...alot.. we stayed up half the night talking on the phone and when he would laugh i would smile really big even though no body could see me, I've never talked on the phone for so long and actually loved the conversation" she went on. It didnt bother me. I liked the way she lite up talking about Zayn because i knew he found a keeper.

And i would kill him if he hurt this sweet girl who maybe everything seem like a joy and never seemed to stop smiling or think negative.

She walked away to get back to work and hugged me bye i told her id see her later and gave her my number. When i walked out the door i pulled out my phone and texted Zayn...

Shes a keeper zayn! Dont let this one go mate..

I read the message once over and then sent it...

(Zayns pov)

I woke up too a message from Nichole saying...

Goodmorning (; im sorry i fell asleep on the phone last night. But im on my way to work just wanted to text you and say morning and ill ring you after work :)

It suprised me that she texted but i was glad she did because i started to get the bad case of butterflies but it didnt bother me.... I actually liked that feeling and i was glad i got to feel it again.


A few weeks went by and me and Nikki well Nichole spent every minute we could together. We learned everything we could about each other I learned that when she smiles she bites her bottom lip and she has dimples. I learned that she had a boyfriend who cheated on her and when she told me I could see the pain in her eyes. I'm not quite sure why that dude would do that to her I mean look at her shes beautiful, sweet, and sexy in every way possible shes so shy which makes her so adorable and the way her hazel eyes sparkle every time she sees me and...

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