I let go of the bed with one hand and use is to grab a desk chair from a table near my bed.

I wheel it towards me and then sit on it.

I see bakugou looking at me with raised eyebrows from across the room but I ignore the glares.

I position myself in the chair and then push off the bed with both hands and wheel to the other side of the room.

I stop myself at the cabinet and reach up on to the top to grab the items.

"Yes got them" I say quietly.

I place two metal pieces at the side of my knee and wrap the bandages around them to keep it in place.

"There that should hold" I say.

I put both of my feet Firmly on the floor and stand up.

I feel a small pain in my knee but it's bearable.

I put the chair back where it was and grab my hero costume from the desk next to my bed before heading towards the door.

"See ya baku-bitch" I wave as I walk past him.


I don't flinch at the loud noise but I do turn to face him and roll my eyes.

"Do you really expect me to stay here all day, please" I scoff and walk out of the hospital room.

"HEY GET BACK HERE DUMBASS!" I hear the bed creak and soon enough I've got an angry bakugou on my tail.

"I DONT WANT TO STAY IN THAT DAMN MEDI-" I cover his mouth with my hand and pull him behind a wall.

Two teachers and recovery girl walk past us and I take my hand away from bakugous face.

"What was that for dumbass!" He whisper shouts.

I spin my head to look at him and I glare.

"We're not allowed to leave yet! So I'd appreciate it if you didn't get us caught! Some hero you'd be if you can't stay quiet for two minutes!" I snap at him.

He growls and goes to reply but we hear more footsteps coming our way and he pulls me into a different corridor.

We hide behind a washing trolley and wait.

We see the legs of a person walk past us and we relax a bit.

I huff and look around for an exit.

"I don't know how we can get out of here" I whisper.

He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Why don't you just teleport us out genius" he suggests.

I roll my eyes.

"Did you forget that I used up all of my energy so we could win the damn training test!" I scowl.

"Hey I'm in no better shape than you, that damn nerd is stronger than I thought he was damn it!" He whisper yells back.

"Ok look we don't have time for this" I look around and see a door on the other side of the hall. "What about that door" I say.

He looks at where I'm pointing and thinks.

"But how do we open it?" He asks.

I hum to myself as I think but suddenly the door opens.

A cleaner walk through with a trolley and the door begins to close behind her.

I quickly scan the area around us and spot a small nail from one of the doors.

I grab it and Throw it towards the door.

Just before the door closes it gets jammed in between the frame and the handle and keeps it from closing all the way.

"Got it, lets go" I say to bakugou.

I look around the corner and make sure no one is coming.

I then quietly walk over the door and push it open.

I walk out and bakugou runs to follow me.

Once we eat our side I close the door behind me and begin to walk back to campus.

I hear explosions behind me and suddenly bakugou is standing Infront of me.


"You know you don't always have to shout" I say and push past him.

"If you go back to class then Aizawa will just send you back here!" He states.

I stop in my tracks.

"Ugh I hate to admit it but you're right" I sigh.

I turn around.

"What do you suggest we do then, mr, know it all!" I raise my voice.


"WELL GO ON THEN!" I say and cross my arms.

"What are we doing?" I ask again but calmer.

"You wanna practice with your quirks don't you?" He asks.

I raise my eyebrow and he smirks.

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