" I was pretending to be a girl who injured her legs and not being able to walk anymore, hoping for the man to fall for my trick and help walk me down through the mountain while I sucked on his life slowly. Everything wa showing according to plan... at first, Genzaburo-sama, being the kind guy he is, offered his help to me. He even insist on carrying me in his big basket which he carried around on his back. While on our way, he kept talking to me and asking me if I was cold... if I feel pain... if he's being too rough... he asked me with care and gentleness. Without me realizing, we've already reached down to the village. He asked me where my place was, but I was lying... I told him I can carry myself from there on since I didn't want him to know my true identity. At first he was really worried about me, so I gave him a piece of my hairpin for him to sell in order to repay him. Before he got to refuse the hairpin, I immediately disappeared before him..... "

Shun has only been living for 21 years and yet, she knows... those kind of stories has led to happiness as often as sadness. Back on the mountain from her hometown, she heard many similar stories like this as well.

It's not uncommon for yokai seeking for her help because they wanted to repay the human who helped them once... they wanted to stay with them... or sometimes, want to build a family together with the yokai.

Shun loves romance stories however the story may ended. The love stories from the yokai perspective sometimes can be purer and much simpler than those of humans.

" How long has it been since you followed him around? "
The yokai priest stepped forward to get closer gradually.

" It has been... A month perhaps. I'm waiting for my chance to repay his kindness... I lost in time. "
The yokai spoke, still feel guilty of it.

" Hah... back in future, you'll be arrested immediately for that. Luckily the human law can't go against you. "
Shun joked it internally with a hopeless grin on her face.

She won't as confident as saying that Hakushoku can just leave this problem to her, but surely, this is one of her Shun's duty to help her out dealing with human problems.

" Alright, listen to me, Hakushoku. I won't do you any harm and I will help you out. However, you must only do what I said, and I promise you, you can repay Inoue-san's deed properly. "

Without Hakushoku's realizing, Shun is already standing considerably close to her without giving any intimidating aura. The Yuki Onna raised her up, beaming with a huge smile plastered on her face. Hakushoku couldn't be anymore beautiful than this.

" I-I will, my holiness! I'm grateful for your amiability. I, Hakushoku, swear on my life to return the favor one day, my holiness. "
She bent her back to the front, bowing really deep to show her gratitude.

" Haha, relax. I'm not doing this for gaining your favor. It's already been my duty. However.... hmmm, let's see... maybe you can actually do something for me. "

It's not like Shun is untrusting the yokai, but she rarely asked any of them to do something for her—and even when she did, it's always nothing serious.

" Can you please spread the news to all the yokai that you can possibly meet, tell them if they ever need my help, they can just... put a flower in front of my room and I'll hear them out at past midnight. How about that? Can you do it? "
Shun rubbed her chin with a smirk.

" Please, leave it to me, my holiness. "
She bowed again. Though her demeanor is similar to that of a clumsy young woman, the way her eyes brimming with determination bring a fresh atmosphere to Shun.

" She kinda remind me of.... ah, Chizuru isn't it? Hehe, I wonder I'm going to like her like I do with this female yokai. "
She sneered silently.

Done with her own agenda, Shun asked Hakushoku to follow her to sit beside the offering box.

" Now, let's go to somewhere to talk about our plan. "

" P-plan? "
Echoed Hakushoku.

" Yes, you want to meet Inoue-San, right? Let's finish your story first. "

From then on, Hakushoku's way of seeing the yokai priest has enlightened a bit more. The way Shun approached her slowly one step at a time to not scare her off, softening her tone towards the Yuki Onna, and always put a encouraging smile on her face, it's truly... something that can only be seen when you talk face to face with the person itself—not just hearing about Shun from other yokai.

" Yes! "
She squealed before carefully jogged to join the human.

The three— Heiji is in his pipe fox form the whole time, sleeping underneath Shun's haori—of them then sit together in front of the temple staircase. Listening to Hakushoku's story is much like listening to any girl's love stories. There are times when she shyly said reminiscing about her first encounter with Inoue, and moments when she smiled really sweetly at the thought of talking with him. That thought will not be left behind just to be a fleeting dream, because Shun will help her out through the way.

As the girls having their talk, there's someone lingering in the dark... someone that has always been a shadow for the Shinsengumi. Up in the ceiling, a pair of violet eyes currently is in disagreement with the owner's brain.

" .... Who is Shun-san talking to? Her way of speaking is as if she's chatting with other people, I doubt that she was just pretending. But ... she's alone? Could there be someone else around here that I didn't notice? "
The man in black clothes started to conceal his presence more and move as stealthy as an owl to avoid Shun's notice.

However, he may escaped from human's senses, but not from the yokai.

" Um, I think it would be wise if I go now. "
Hakushoku get up from her seat to excuse herself.

" Ah, yes you're right. I was so hung up with your story that I almost forgot that I also had work to wait. Hah... I don't I'll ever get tired from hearing love stories. "
Shun is really a hopeless person when it comes to love stories, not that she has any real experience in it, but just from hearing stories from other human and yokai, she feels like she lived many lives.

" Oh no, it's partially my fault. Especially for making someone's waiting for you all these time. "

" Haha, no ones waiting for me though. Inoue-San has something to taken care of so he's— "

" Ah no, I didn't mean Genzaburo-sama. You have someone else waiting for you isn't it? "

" ......huh? ..... where...? "

" There, he's been hiding on the ceiling. "
Hakushoku raised her hands and pointed out at the high ceiling near the offering box.

When Shun understand the situation, everything seems to be in slow motion in her mind. Hakushoku's voice become inaudible or its just Shun's brain that read used to process it, as it's currently undergoing a huge shock and agitation from finding out how careless she has been.

" My holiness, I'll excuse myself then. If you need anything please just call my name with your chant. I'll try my best to appear before you as fast as I can. "

Suddenly Shun feels like her smile is about to break. She can't handle the fright in one go like this, but she need to get herself act normal like there's nothing happened and... act as if someone's is really watching her every move.

"..... Yeah. By the way... Haku, are you... currently letting other human to see your real form right now? "

" Eh, Haku? Umm... no, I'm afraid if I do so, Genzaburo-sama will be scared off by my appearance. "

" Huh, alright then. See you later, Haku. "

The female yokai then disappear from her sight in instant, she's probably flying dad back to the forest near here.

Now... there's only her... or that's what it seems from outside.

" Who is it and how much did he hear from my words? ........hold on..... don't tell me it's.... Yamazaki? "

First Love at Second Life ( HAKUOKI FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now