Crazy dreams

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I woke up from that weird dream. Calypso? She hated Leo. Nico killing her? Nico's just a cute fluffy kitten, he wouldn't do that. I sighed and dragged myself out of bed.

I looked forward to a day of dress shopping for the wedding. I couldn't wait. I scrambled to put on some decent clothes and took my hair out of the plaits. My hair cascaded in small ringlets down my back and  I did a once over to check I looked good.

I strolled through the rows of dresses. Until I stumbled on to a perfect dress. I rushed to try it on without even consulting Piper or Annabeth. I did however call Hazel to help lace the dress up, she was the best at it.

I stepped out of the dressing room and everyone in the room gasped. The white corseted top emphasized my curves and the poofy shirt was amazing. It only had some slight glitz on it, the silver belt. I loved it.

A longer chapter is coming soon (soooonnnggfic) and yes, the picture is the dress :33

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