I'm sorry

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Author's note: This is a day after saving percabeth.

"Ah, cuddles, nice to see you awake." I glared at Leo. He was acting strange, quite spiteful and distant, "hurry up, don't be useless, get me that piece of metal." he was treating me like dirt.

I stormed off to see Nico. He was my rock, he understood how I felt. I reach his room and he opened the door having heard my footsteps. I hugged him. It was so hard for me. I couldn't deal with stress, my health was deteriorating. First it was the migraines, then the breathing problems, I was even limping now.

"IS THIS WHAT HAPPENS? I TURN MY BACK AND YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH NICO?!" Leo screamed. I turned around, "Leo-" the world went black. I felt myself hit the floor.

I heard Nico shouting at Leo, "I'm gay, you idiot! Y/n is my best friend. And you've been causing her health issues...." everything faded. The noises. The pain. I felt nothing.

"...y/n.... I'm sorry. I met someone. A girl, Calypso. And she kissed me. And I felt so bad. I took it out on you. I love you. But I'm sorry. If I do this you'll be better. I'll hate myself for this. But I can't have you like this. Please try and forgive me, princess. Please....."

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