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💕Kaylee's POV💕


I sniffed for the hundredth time, how could he just end our friendship? We have been friends for years, friends since I was four. How could he just decide a girl will end this. I was so freaking mad.

My best friend dumped me because of a bitch. A whore! A cheap slut! What did she do to him? How did she make him fall in love with her just like that? He doesn't fall in love , he just toys with their heart and body before dumping them. Unfortunately, today I've been dumped even though we never shared a thing like he does with all others before dumping them.

Xander how could you do this to me? My ex bestie. This was gonna be so hard. No Xander just Theri and my new friend, Brian.

"Honey, are you sure you're alright? You've not eaten a thing and Alex would be here soon" mom jerked me out of my deep thoughts.

"I thought I made it clear yesterday that I don't need one, I don't need him. My life is awful, really. I'm the only kid in school that has a bodyguard, I'm no different from them........." I was really frustrated. Dad rudely cut in.

"You are different, you are a West! Do you know how popular you are and can be attacked unknowly." Dad yelled at me, he was really angry.

"Dad I don't......." Mom patted my shoulder as a signal that I should keep shut because he wasn't in a good mood. He woke up on the wrong side of bed today.

"I'm so hot" Kyle's voice came in. He walked into the dinning room admiring himself on his phone camera. "She said I'm so hot, I'm freaking hotter than her boyfriend" he chanted taking a seat beside me.

"Kyle, what was the meaning of what you did on that T. V show? Hailey's father called me this morning to remind me that your wedding to Hailey next month. How could you be too childish about your life partner? " Dad yelled so angry.

"Just wait till Kayden and Kayla get here. I'd give you all good talks you're bound to never forget!" He shouted frustrated.

"Honey calm down. They're just kids they tend to misbehave at times" mom said trying to calm him down.

"Kids? Do you even know how to handle this children. The only kid is Kaylee. Kyle is the first child and he's 27, Kayden and Kayla are 23, only Kaylee is a kid, she's just 17. Train them well, and if you want me to calm down, tell him to call her over to apologize" with that, he stormed out with his food untouched.

"Kyle why did you kiss Sara last night? The other time it was Megan. You know how your father's temper can be? Call her over and plan something romantic to apologize before those two get here" mom ordered sternly.

"No mom! I don't even want to see her talk less of planning something romantic for both of us." He was quick to refuse.

"You will do as we've said" mom stormed away too, leaving Kyle and I behind.

Immediately, a comfortable silence took place. I didn't feel like talking so did he. Imagine, dad is finally bringing Kayden and Kayla willingly.
Who knows I've counted them out of my sibling list. I had taken only Kyle as my big and only bro because those two where never there. I called them lots of times for my birthday then, but they never showed up. I always felt sad with Kyle only being there for me. Did the world forget that I still had elder siblings?

I stared at Kyle, already pitying him. His face was clouded with emotions. He didn't want to marry Hailey. Their marriage was just a seal of deal between both families and companies. Even Hailey didn't want this, she lost interest two years ago when he made it clear to her that he couldn't love her.

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