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Kaylee's POV

Her Xander? How could this be? My best friend and my arch enemy, together in a relationship? From what I knew about Xander was that he was a dedicated player and never really dated any girl.

"So you two are a thing,uhn?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Yes, I just wanted this to be a surprise to you. Maddie is my girl" He went behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"For how long now?" I let myself ask again. Like seriously? There were other beautiful girls in Richmond high.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you on time bes. I've being dating Maddie for a month now. Believe me, I really wanted to make you believe that I could have a girl for a long time but it blew too soon" he said sincerely sorry.

"Babe, please let's get a good seat close to each other, I really don't want you to sit with some random ugly girl" Maddie spited.

Random ugly girl? Was she referring to herself? Idiot.

She dragged Xander away and he foolishly went with her. He was so going to get a piece of me later on.

I dragged myself into class. I glared at Maddie, gripping his arms tightly. There was a vacant seat close to them.
Nah! I should probably not sit there.

I saw another clear desk by the window side and made my way to it.

"Hey!" Some guy tapped my shoulder.
"Yeah hi! Have I seen you before in this class?" I asked. He wasn't familiar.

"Nah! It's my first time in Richmond high. I'm a new transfer"

"That's good, welcome to Richmond high" I said with a smile before facing my front.

"I'm Brian"

"I'm...._..." Mrs Willy entered the class and asked for her assignments immediately. That was like last semester and I couldn't find mine.

"Good morning class. I hope we all enjoyed the summer holidays?" She paused, after gaining everyone's attention." I believe my projects are still well intact cause I won't take no for an answer. I'll start from you, Miss Halton"

I contained my laugh when I saw how confused she was, of course,she wasn't here that day. She went shopping with her friends.

"Ma'am" she began. "Please could you shed by a little light on what it is? " she asked.

"And why is that? You know how much I hate forgetful people. I'm sorry but I can't give you a clue, you may sit" Mrs Willy said and adjusted her spec.

"Anyone that didn't do it will be having an F in Biology this year. Fortunately for such students you will also have to go through a three weeks of detention!"

"What!!!!!" The whole class started murmuring before she silenced them.

"Miss West, could you please do the favor of recording every lazy students name in this class and report them at the closing hour" she assigned.

Really? Did I have to be the one to record myself an F? Kyle and dad were going to be the end of me if they heard this.



I was sitter on my lunch table alone since my bes decided to ditch me for some stupid chic.

I was enjoying my 🍕 before I got interrupted by some intruder. Oh great! Brian.

"Lonely?" He asked opening his own lunch too.

"Pretty much!" I sighed. Where was Hailey? She wasn't a student that resumed the first day of school.


"Why did you say great?" I asked staring at him.

"Cause I can keep you company. So you still haven't told me your name"

"I'm Kaylee West" I said with a straight and honest smile.

"I'm Brian Parker"

"Well, I think I know that" I scoffed .

"You didn't know my last name up until now"

"Why are you wasting your time with me?" I asked with a smirk.

"I wanna be friends, cool?" He asked politely. Who still asks for permission to be friends with someone.

"Sure! So tell me about yourself but before that I'll have to give you a bunch of rules to follow if you wanna be friends" I said smiling. I'm the best smiler ever.

"Oh C'mmon could it be that hard?"

"Yes,of course, I can't just be friends with anybody because I have a reputation in this school and I want to graduate next year" I munched more on my 🍕 before talking.

"One, you must not be a boyfriend to my arch enemies. Two, you mustn't skip class, Three, I pray you're a great smiler like me. Four, don't be a stupid player. Five, protect me when you sense danger." I pointed out those rules and we both laughed.

"Just joking" I added with a good smile.

"Well then I'd be ready to do all those things to remain your friend"

"A promise?"

"A promise"

"Okay, so tell me why you left your old school and transferred here?"

"My dad was having problems with his capital back there so he found a good opportunity to transfer here to prosper. As his family, we had to support him and move down here and start afresh. I'm a good boy but I can be a little bit naughty at times. What else? I'm also a very handsome guy, with killer smirks, I don't do smiles instead I do smirks" he said a nice essay and ended it with a killer smirk.

"That handsome?"

"Uhmmp! Yes very!"

"Well too bad I don't do handsome guys because my arch enemy will surely fall for them" I added kiddingly.

"Common on,,where are those arch enemies of my friend?"

"No, no, we're not friends, yet! Or are we?"

"Kay, you seem impossible"

"Who says you can call me Kay? Only my friends call me that"

"Well at the end of this week, you'll be great friend even best friend"

Xander ? My eyes met with his angry looking eyes. I ignored and faced Brian.

"Uhm, I have a bes already!"

"I can be the second"

"Oops! Third! I have two bes"

"Fine!" He scoffed.

So sorry it's short, I 'all try to make it longer a next time.

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