The Comeback. (Chapter Twelve)

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"Where are we gonna go?" Karen asked.

"To the base. We have showers there...well, one shower there. But, you can stay there if that's okay."

"Anywhere away from them is fine by me."

"Karen, you do know what's happening right? You're moving out but, technically it's running away which is also against the law." I start to panic. "What if she calls the cops? Then you become a fugitive and then you're always on the run, and then-"

"Jarahn. Please. When did you care about the law? You're a vigilante..."

"It's different. Just listen to me..."

"I'm done listening Jarahn. I'm done being this girl...this soft girl that everyone needs to protect...I'm done."


"Let's just head to the base so I can sleep. We can sort everything else out tomorrow morning." She said. And that's when it happened. Karen wasn't the same girl as she was a few hours ago. She was different and at the moment I couldn't tell whether it was a good different or a bad one.

"Karen listen to me. You're not soft. You're one of the strongest girls I know. You've been through a lot yet you continue to smile and fight every single day. You're not soft Karen." I stood in front of her and place my hands on both of her shoulders. "If anyone is a hero at's you, Karen. Okay? It's you."

"Jarahn. I...wanna kiss you..." Karen says, she then quickly covers her mouth.

"Uh...thanks?" I say nervously.

"I'm sorry...I was thinking out loud....let's head to the base..." Karen and I then walk to the base. The walk there was quite awkward after what she said. Once we arrived, Jaden was working graveyard while Lakota was still resting, we decided it'd be best to just wait. I finish tucking Karen in and I head out.

"Night, Karen."



"Thank you for what you did back there...I really appreciate it."

"No need to thank me, Karen. Just doing what I was made to do."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"Help people," I say as I walk out. I swing home and prepare to face the music. 

"Jarahn, it's dark. Where were you?" He asked.

"I was with my friend. We hung out longer than I thought we would. I walked her home to make sure she's safe."

"But then who's gonna walk you home?"

"I don't need anyone to walk me, home dad, we both know that." I start to head upstairs.

"Jarahn! Stop walking!" He demanded. I stop in my tracks and feel my heart race, my adrenaline starts to rise...I hate being yelled at. "You know how dangerous it is out there! Why do you still continue to come at such a late time?!"

"Dad, I know I can handle myself out there. I just had to make sure my friend was alright..." I say with anger in my voice.

"And now you have an attitude?"

"Can I go to my room now?"

"Yeah. Leave your phone down here."

"What? Why?"

"Until you take what I say seriously you can't have your phone. You're grounded."

"Dad. Are you serious right now? You're being so dramatic!"

Origin City (TO BE CONTINUED...)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora