Chapter 20: Journey to the Bast Castle

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They all ran to the cockpit. “Artoo, help navigate us away from those turbo lasers!” Tionne said as she sat in the pilot’s seat.

     The astromech droid beeped and squealed in protest as the Lore Seeker shuddered. “I know— I know, Artoo. Just hold her steady.” Tionne said.

     The Lore Seeker still shuddered from the storm.

     “This isn’t going to work.” Ahsoka said.

     “That’s a happy thought.” Anakin muttered.

     The yacht veered sideways throwing them all to the left.

     Ikrit landed on Uldir’s face. “Get off me, furball!”  he said as he pushed the Kushiban away from him.

     Ahsoka groaned in exasperation. “Alright, that’s it!” She said as she crawled to the other pilot seat. “Move, let me fly!”

     “Ahsoka,” Corran started to say. “What are you—“ His sentence was cut short as he was thrown backwards.

     “Hang on back there.” Ahsoka warned just as Anakin, Tahiri, Uldir, and Ikrit fell on top of Corran Horn.

     “Sorry, Master.” Tahiri managed.

     “Master, a little warning next time.” Anakin suggested.

     “Not now, Anakin!” Ahsoka scolded.

     “Anakin, Tahiri, Uldir,” Corran called as he held on. “Strap yourselves in. This is going to be rough.”

     “But—“ Anakin started to protest.

     “That is an order, padawan!” Corran said sternly. “Strap yourselves in!”

     Anakin didn’t argue, he grabbed Tahiri and Uldir and they strapped themselves.

     Corran ran back to Ahsoka and Tionne on the pilot’s seat. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

     “Does this ship have guns?” Ahsoka asked.

     “Of course.” Tionne turned to the astromech droid. “Artoo, activate the laser cannons.”

     Artoo beeped in response.

     “Corran,” Tionne started to say.

     “I got it.” Corran said as he approached a periscope control and started firing.

     After a few minutes, Ahsoka spoke up. “Why aren’t you hitting anything?” She complained.

     “Your flying is making it hard to hit a target!” Corran said.

     A turbo laser exploded as they flew passed it. “Got one.” Corran reported.

     “What about the others?” Ahsoka asked.

     “Patience, Knight Tano.” Corran managed. “You cannot hit two birds with one stone.”

     “Yes you can.” Ahsoka argued.

     “Obviously, you’re not getting my point.” Corran said.

     Ahsoka ignored him. She turned to Tionne. “So Master Solusar, where do we land the Lore Seeker?” She asked.

     “Master Kyle Katarn gave me the coordinates for what he says is the safest landing area near the Bast Castle.”

     “Why don’t we just fly up there?” Ahsoka asked.

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