~"The Morphogenic Engine"~

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~Lisa Park~ POV~
They strapped my to a chair and forced my head forward but before they did that I could see two other patients struggling like I was but they where struggling in pain from the engine.
Doctor Wanaki exits the room and when he exit I fell asleep for a bit because my head was pounding from that smack Dr Wanaki gave me he even shoved his tounge down my ear which I will say harassment.
2 Hours later
When I woke up people where screaming even worse like they was being ripped apart, they was they where being torn from the inside out by the wallrider, it's all dark I have to use this crappy camera for night vision I don't know why there is a camera laying around maybe they wanted to film me those sick bastards.
A strange man comes in I look at him he says to me in such a gentle voice,"wait there I'll open you up and make you purr, just you wait, just you wait" Once the doors open I make a sprint for it even though he's probably much faster since I'm out of shape but he's just walking slowly then he turns to the next room , I look to my right and see a group of men on a table stabbing a nurse/doctor they look at me like I've done something really bad worse than murder, "no observers come in" I walk around and open the door almost stumbling over the wires "ah here's our peeping Tom, come here and get your hands a little red, it's always healthy to express your feelings" The man seemed generally kind while he suddenly got mad and raised his voice, "no! Think your better than us you sick monster" He calls me the monster but he was the one that dug a knife into someones chest when he got pissy. I walk out as one of the men show me to the door and open it, I step out and SLAM! they locked the door so I couldn't go back in if I'm honest it looked like a therapy session goin on in there which is sick but right now arnt we all mad since were in this place?

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