"Well Adora?" She said as she backed away.

"You DONT know anything Catra!"

"I know your whole life!" She said as I turned my head.

"Or am I wrong!?" She questioned.

She wasn't wrong. She knew my whole life. We grew up together....

"Adora answer me!"

"Your not wrong Catra! But I also know yours!"

"You May know my life Adora but you never knew I felt..." she said.


"Stop. I'm done arguing with you," she said as she turned her head.

"Catra you could've joined the rebellion..." I said.

"I will not join the princesses. I will not join you."

"Fine have it your way," I said as I went back to lay down.

Why can't she join. I'm sorry for what I did why can't she see that? I want to her with me. I want the old times. But I won't ever get that back I know. Because we both can't understand our feelings. We're mixed up.

Later on as the time passed Catra fell asleep. I couldn't fall asleep as I kept replaying our fight in my head.

'What those princesses? I already told you Adora they only want you because your She-ra nothing else!'

'Catra your wrong!'

'Oh yeah did they want you when they saw you as a Horde soldier?!'

'Well Adora?'

'You DONT know anything Catra!'

'I know your whole life!'

'Or am I wrong!?'

'Adora answer me!'

'Your not wrong Catra! But I also know yours!'

'You May know my life Adora but you never knew I felt..'

What did she mean by that?

I look around and found a rock right behind Catra. I smiled as I went on top of Catra quietly and tried to grab the rock. I reached out my hand as I was almost there.

"A-Adora?!" Catra woke up as she moved her her head which hit my chin to move. I opened my eyes as mine was locked with Catra. My leg between her legs and my other leg on the outside.

"S-Sorry!" I said as I moved back.

"W-what were you gonna do to me!" She shouted all red.

"Nothing! I just wanted that rock behind I was trying not to wake you up!" I said as I felt my face get heated.

She turned around and saw the rock. She reached for it as she grabbed it and gave it to me.

"Now why do you need a rock?" She said as I got it from her hand.

"For this," I said.

I scrapped the sharp rock on the rope as it was cut off. We both fell as we landed on our backs.

"Ow! That's gonna leave a mark," Catra groaned.

Damn when did the ground get so hard. My back hurtes so much. Catra snarls as she walks away.

"Catra Wait!"

"What Adora?"

"D-do you hate me?" I asked.

I needed to know.

"Of course I hate you Adora! I hate everything about you! I hate it when your happy! I hate you Adora! I hate you!" She shouted.

I felt tears coming into my eyes as I pushed them back.

"Well you want to know what I want!? I want to forget you! I want to forget everything about you! I want to forget how I was raised! I want to forget our friendship! I wish I never met your existence Catra!" I shouted out at her as my anger took over.

I look at her to find her all in shock.

"I want to forget you.....but I can't," I said putting my head down.

She stood quiet as I hoped she would respond. But I was able to see the tears coming down her eyes.

"I can't because I love you," those were my last words as I walked away with tears in my eyes.

"Bye Catra..." I said as I walked away leaving a cat in the woods crying.

You're the one for me... (Catradora Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now