Shortie Chappie!

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"It's called an orgasm, darling. You cum when you feel good." I whispered to her. "You cum when I make your little pussy tingle like I just did." She shifted, obviously uncomfortable with my word choice and it only makes me harder. I stifled a groan.

"Why, wh, um, why," Alice, stuttered out painfully. "Why do you call yourself, um, uh, dad, daddy?" She ended in a very quiet tone, peeking up at me through those long lashes of hers.

I smiled down at her mischievously and pecked her nose. She wheeled back, surprised, and I let out a deep bark of a laugh. This startled her further and she began to shake.

I gathered her up in my arms and pulled her to my chest, each of her legs still on either side of mine.

"Because you are mine, small one. You are all mine and by calling myself that, no one can take you away from me (other than DSS...)."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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