Start from the beginning

"You look beautiful, but you don't look fine." Derek said sweetly as he brushed her hair out of her face.

"Now, I'm going to throw up."

"Kill me now please."

Meredith look at Courtney and Cristina, before turning to her sort of boyfriend. She convinced him that she was fine and that he should go. He had other things to do than look after her. He made sure that she was going to be alright and left her in the care of her sister and best friend. He ran up to the Chief, who was walking with Mark. All eyes were on them now. Everybody was wondering what would happen. Eventually the group split up: Derek argued with Webber over the fact that he let Mark into Seattle Grace, while Addison and Mark were arguing about his presence in Seattle and not back in New York.

The event that stopped the fighting and arguing was Meredith vomiting again and Cristina loudly asking, "Holy crap! Are you pregnant?" Everybody's eyes were now on them. there was nothing so scandalous as Meredith and Derek possibly having a child, while the woman was also dating someone else. Courtney's eyes locked with Mark's for a split second, before she was glancing down at her sister in worry.


Derek ran down the stairs to get to Meredith and was ready to save her from all things evil, but Bailey kept him at arm's length. He had done enough already. "Can't stay away, can you?" She muttered to herself as she glared at him

"Did you say something?" Derek asked, looking at Courtney, who threw him her most fake smile.

"Who? Me? No, no, not a single word."

"Are you sure? I thought I heard you speaking?

"You must have imagined it."


"As you know, all surgeries have risks. You never know what's going to happen in the operating room, but you don't have to worry, Mrs. Greengrass. You're in excellent hands." Courtney comforted her patient, squeezing the woman's hand. Samantha Greengrass had to undergo heart surgery to correct irregular heart rhythms and had played it tough, until the moment that everything seemed to be getting real. The woman was about to prepped for surgery, but she was doubting if she should go through with it.

"No, no, I want to leave. This was, no, I can't." The woman was crying and was trying to unhook herself from the machines she was on. One of the nurses that was in the room grabbed the woman's hands and stopped her from trashing around, while calming her down. Courtney did a quick check to see if Mrs. Greengrass had actually managed to unhook anything, but luckily she hadn't.

"Look, Mrs. Greengrass, I understand that this is scaring you. It's heart surgery after all, but believe me when I say this: Dr. Watkins is one of the best out there. He is going to do everything in his power to get you back home to your family. And I'll be there the whole time. You won't be alone. Everyone in that surgical team is looking after you and making sure that you will wake up completely fine," Courtney smiled at the woman, hoping that she was doing a good job at making her feel safe. "And when you wake up, I'll make sure that your family is around you. I'm sure that your children will be super proud of their mom undergoing heart surgery! You'll be their own personal superhero."

"Promise me, dr. Grey?"

"I promise." Samantha Greengrass wiped her tears away and nodded, giving the sign that she was going through with it. Courtney smiled at her, warmly, before letting the nurses prep the woman for her surgery. She looked over her shoulder one more time, seeing Mrs. Greengrass trying to control her breathing, before she left the room. Out of sight of the patient, Courtney leaned against a wall with her hands in her hair. For a second there, she had been scared that the woman would actually walk away and not go through with her surgery. Her stress levels had been pretty high while she had been trying to convince the woman to do otherwise.

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